More than a rider, more than a horse

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Jasper: (they leave to the stables, lock Storm in his box) I can tell Storm looks troubled. So please just try to calm down a little for him, will you?

Xander: Calm down you say? (laughs angrily, hits with his fist a wood wall)

Jasper: Hey! (holds him from behind) Don't know who you were thinking was there, but don't just ruin this place, okay?

Xander: (lowers till he sits on the ground, starts crying, Japser squats and puts hand on his shoulder, Xander covers his face with his hands) He fucking killed her.

Jasper: Who killed whom?

Xander: My dad poisoned mum. He's a fucking murderer. (runs his hand through his hair) And you're telling me to calm down.

Jasper: Xander...I can't believe this. Are you sure?

Xander: (nods) I went to the cemetery and eard him talking about it with Mark.

Jasper: I never liked that driver. I always thought something is fishy about him....wait a minute, Xander...tell me you didn't do anything.

Xander: Don't worry about that. They didn't see me. I couldn't just cause a scene. Not there. I had to control myself.

Jasper: You know what? Fuck Mark, fuck your father. Fuck everyone and everything. How about you and I get a drink? This whole situation makes me wanna help you forget about everything. I just feel like we should be drinking for the whole night, buddy.

Xander: You know I don't drink.

Jasper: I know. I'm just taking advantage of your weakness right now if you didn't tell.

Xander: Well, It's working... Let's see how good that wine of yours really is.

Jasper: (stands, holds out his hand) Say no more, buddy. Let's get you wasted.

Xander: (takes his hand) You better not be joking about that.

At the horse competition, everyone is already sitting in the tribune, waiting

Xander: Princess, aren't you feeling cold?

Kira: Don't worry, it's just some wind. Can't take me down. I'm just worried that because it is windy, the competitors will have a hard time when shooting.

Xander: Not necessarily, they just need to be aware of how the wind blows and how the arrow's trajectory might change.

Kira: Is that so? Then that means that the good ones can do this regardless of the weather.

Xander: That's right. I can't wait to see this competition.

Kira: Me too.

Jasper: (comes before them) Princess, Sir. Xander, Lucas sent me for you.

Xander: Lucas? Why? In a few moments the competition starts. (Jasper talks to the king, the king nods)

Nolan: Xander, you can go. You have my permission. Jasper will stay with Kira till you're back. We have a lot of guards today, so she's safe.

Xander: As you say, Sir. Then, princess, be right back. (Jasper sits next to the princess)

Kira: Hey, Jasper. Is Xander alright?

Jasper: Yeah, why?

Kira: Let's say that yesterday he acted a little bit ...different.

Jasper: Oh...that must be because the day before yesterday I got him wasted.

Xander and KiraWhere stories live. Discover now