Gifts and requests

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After a while

Kira: Hadn't thought this would be so exhausting. (puts another gift down near the others)

Xander: If that's how you look when you're tired, beauty sure suits you. (she blushes, Amelia and Jasper smile, takes a plate of cake) Everyone except the birthday girl got to taste the cake. (gives her the plate with a fork, Amelia and Jasper are gathering things from the table and take them to the kitchen)

Kira: Thank you. (tastes it) Mmm. (like a moaning) The best thing I have ever tasted.

Xander: You sure about that? (she stops, blushes)

Kira: Now I'm not that sure…

Jasper: Xander! Wanna give me a hand with these tables?

Xander: Sure. (to Kira) You can finish that in peace. (he helps him) Where is Lucas, by the way? Haven't seen him tonight.

Jasper: Let's say he went out…fishing.

Xander: Oh…I see. So he finally finished the Alexa chapter.

Jasper: Totally closed it. Never turning back to that one.

Xander: Well not that I have a say in what he's doing or with whom, but I'm glad he gave up on her.

Jasper: Me too.(they take another table) …hey listen…did Lily send you any letters lately?

Xander: The last one was about that David guy. Why?

Jasper: Do you think she hadn't written to you ever since because maybe she didn't want to take your advice on him?

Xander: Jas, you're making it really hard for me to not worry about her.

Jasper: It's just that it seems weird.

Xander: I'll just keep thinking that everything is alright and she actually hasn't had time to write to me.

Jasper: Yeah, that's better. Let's just keep it like that. (ugly look) What?! If you care, I care. If you worry, I worry. It's that simple. (they are back at Kira)

Xander: (squinting) yeah, I've noticed.

Kira: What have you noticed?

Xander: That you can look breathtaking even with cream all over your mouth. (Jasper's jaw drops, she blushes, wants to wipe her mouth, but he does it with his thumb, and licks it) It would have been a waste for such an amazing cake to not be savored till the last bite.

Jasper: (clears his throat) Want some help with these, Casanova?

Xander: That would be great, Jas. (to Kira) Let's get you to your room and we will carry all of these for you, okay? (she nods)

After they carry everything to her room

Xander: That was pretty much all.

Kira: Thank you both.

Jasper: You're welcome princess.

Xander: (leans to her and whispers) Hope you don't go that soon to sleep. I'll be paying you a visit.

Kira: I was planning on opening all of these gifts. I'm actually impatient to see them all.

Xander: Well, then…good night, princess.

Xander and Kiraحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن