Chapter 18

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A man was taking his grandchildren to holidays in his vanity. Suddenly, a car came and they said, “ You need to come with us sir. “

He asked, “ What I did? “
They replied, “ Remember about the Lucknow case? You lead to it. “
He asked, “ What? “
They replied, “ You remembered something? The prison, the nightmare, the investigator, the victim and the villain. “

He may had got a flashback to many of his memories and silently went with them.
While they were arresting him, he got dizzy and got unconscious.
When he opened the eyes, he was in a cellar.


He was walking to a darker place, He approached a door and opened it.
Some officers and a man were sitting in the interrogation cell of the police station.
The man was wearing a prisoner’s costume and may have spent over a decade in the prison.
A police officer asked, “ Do you have remorse for what you have done? “

Yeah It was me.

I replied, “ I’m not that but I’m that. “
The Other Police officer said, “ We are here to talk about the Lucknow council case which took place 10 years ago. “
I got hit by many memories.
I replied, “ Yes it was me, I mean my memories. “
Everyone must be confused. Even I’m, why I’m here?
Yeah maybe for this reason.

They asked, “ Are you remorseful for what you did? “
I replied, “ I’m guilty of what I did 10 years ago. “
They asked, “ Are you ready to be in the society again after a decade, after Committing such a sinful crimes. “
I replied, “ Society,
A society is a group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction or a large social group sharing the same spatial or social territory, typically subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations. “
They said, “ We didn’t ask the definition Mr. “
I replied, “ I know, I just mean I’m ready to stay in my society. “
They said, “ We would hold you here for more time but the medical staff wouldn’t permit. “
I said, “ As you want majesty. “
They said, “ Are you convinced that you are free from those Identities even ,it has no cure. “
The other policemen said, “ Mr. Roy wants to say that, we would leave you once you promise the government that you never let your mental disorders harm the society. “

“Mind is an uncontrollable, we fails to control our thinking. Then one can control three other minds other than his. “ I said.

They stamped rejected on my paper of freedom and maybe I’m prisoned for more ten years, until the next meeting.

They replied, “ Sorry,

They replied, “ Well, No. 39, meet you at the next meeting. “

As I stepped out of the room, a warm smile adorned my face, basking in the radiance of the sun’s gentle rays. Morgan, my trusted friend, approached me with curiosity and asked, “So, what transpired inside?” With a hint of amusement, I replied, “Just ten more years added to this old man’s journey.”
Being in my sixties, I contemplated the passing of time and wondered if my future grandchildren would hold memories of their dear old grandpa. Ten years seemed both distant and fleeting, a chapter yet to be written in the book of my life.

Suddenly, a resounding siren pierced the air, indicating the arrival of newcomers to this bustling realm. It was a signal of new beginnings, as if a flock of birds had found their nests in the ever-changing landscape. It was amidst this commotion that I encountered a man, three decades my junior, yet bearing an intriguing aura of freedom amidst a world plagued by vultures. I glimpsed a reflection of myself in his eyes—a restless spirit seeking knowledge and understanding. He possessed an insatiable curiosity, often venturing into the personal lives of others, as though he were an agent sent to gather secrets.

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