Chapter 5

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At the Lucknow police headquarters, the clock struck 10, marking the passage of time. The sky, devoid of clouds, failed to reveal the stars concealed behind their shroud. As Karan and Vihaan stepped inside, they were warmly greeted by those present, extending their salutations and acknowledging their arrival.

Karan inquired of one of the constables, “Where is he?” Constable Rajesh responded, “We have placed him in the investigation cell, and two other constables are with him.” Karan, Vihaan, and Constable Rajesh proceeded towards the investigation cell, with Karan instructing the three constables to wait outside. This time, Karan and Vihaan were present to hear the confessions of the commoner, ensuring that someone would document the report.

Taking the lead, Karan asked the individual, “What is your confession?” The person replied, “I have killed 20 people.” Vihaan questioned, “Why?” The individual responded, “For vengeance.” Karan remarked, “Yes, everyone bleeds for that.” Vihaan inquired further, “Where are their dead bodies?” The person replied, “They lie beneath the ground or were consumed by fire in the woods, and their ashes flowed in the waters.” Karan skeptically asked, “Are you merely playing games with us?” The person added, “Trust is a crucial aspect; it can foster relationships in months but shatter them in minutes.” Vihaan interjected, “So, should we trust you?” Karan protested, “What? Why are you trusting him? He’s a criminal!” Vihaan calmly replied, “Just wait a minute.” Taking action, Vihaan made the person stand and proceeded to search his pockets.

Vihaan discovered a passport picture of the individual, a piece of paper, and a map among his belongings. Opening the map, they noticed a red mark indicating Lucknow Central Police Station. Unfolding the paper, they found riddles on both sides and a drawing on the other. Vihaan instructed, “Call someone immediately and send his blood samples to the narcotics department. We should also take him to the city hospital right away. We can’t let him die; he’s a crucial witness.”

Karan agreed, “Yes, I’ll make the call. But we can’t admit him to the hospital without a valid reason. He appears fine sitting in front of us.” Karan contacted the necessary personnel to collect the individual’s blood samples for drug testing by the narcotics department. Vihaan expressed concern, “The others have died, and he might be next.” The person asked, “What do you mean by ‘the others’?” Karan explained, “Three other people with similar crimes came before you, and they also died. We don’t know how many more are like this.” The person replied, “I thought I was the only one who committed a sin.” Karan emphasized, “For now, he is a criminal who has killed 20 people, and we can’t admit a criminal without a valid reason.”

Vihaan persisted, “You make a valid point. But what should we do with this guy?” Karan responded, “We’ll stay here with him all night and see who tries to harm him.”

Vihaan requested, “Can I have a board to stick sticky notes on?” Karan explained, “Yes, but we need permission from headquarters since this is an interrogation cell.” Vihaan inquired, “How many people are there at headquarters?” Karan replied, “Wait, there’s a safe house where you can set up. My friend had a house near Hazratganj, he was like Alfred Butler to me, always supporting me in my missions.” Vihaan asked, “Where is this butler of yours?” Karan somberly replied, “I lost him during a mission. He sacrificed his life to save me. He may be gone, but his memories are always with me.” Vihaan comforted him, saying, “Don’t cry. We have all lost something or someone. I lost my parents during my childhood, and a few months ago, I lost my fiancée on a mission.” He asked, “Did you also lose your parents in an accident?” Vihaan responded, “Yes.” Curious, he asked, “So, who do you live for now?” Vihaan revealed, “Harish. He is like a father figure to me.” He added, “What about you?” Karan confessed, “I have no reason to live, but after this mission, I’m determined to find one.” Vihaan reassured him, “You will find a reason, I’m sure.” Turning to the commoner, Vihaan asked, “What’s your story, friend?” The person replied, “Story? I don’t remember anything. All I know is that I have killed 20 people.” Karan remarked, “Vihaan, something seems off here.” Vihaan asked, “What’s your name?” The person responded, “Name? Ah, I don’t have a name. I mean, I don’t know my name or my past.” Vihaan and Karan were lost in deep thought, contemplating the mysterious circumstances surrounding the individual’s identity and crimes.

In a sudden turn of events, the commoner began to feel an intense unease in his head, causing him to collapse from the chair. Vihaan and Karan were taken aback, witnessing the once articulate man now lifeless before their eyes, devoid of any signs of pain. His body slumped onto the floor, causing an air of chaos to fill the room.

Vihaan’s keen eyes noticed something peculiar as he examined the fallen man’s head. He discovered a mutated microchip implanted in the middle of his lower brain. The discovery only added to the confusion and chaos surrounding the situation, leaving Vihaan and Karan grappling with the puzzling circumstances and searching for answers amidst the unsettling turn of events.

Vihaan turned to Karan, his eyes filled with concern as he held up the microchip. He exclaimed, “Look at this microchip!”
Curious, Karan inquired, “What is it?”
Vihaan explained, “It’s a mind control chip. These individuals were manipulated and brainwashed.”

Together, they carefully positioned the lifeless body on its back, only to notice a peculiar wound forming on the victim’s neck. Pointing at the wound, Karan remarked, “These wounds are consistent with the others we encountered.”

Seeking clarification, Karan questioned, “And what about the 20 murders they confessed to?”
Vihaan pondered for a moment and responded, “Perhaps they didn’t commit those crimes at all.”
Baffled, Karan pressed further, “Are you suggesting that this could all be an elaborate illusion created by someone?”
Vihaan nodded, saying, “It’s a possibility. Someone may be manipulating these innocent people for their own sinister purposes.”
Curiosity piqued, Karan questioned, “But why would anyone go to such lengths?”
Deep in thought, Vihaan replied, “That’s the question we need to answer. There must be a profound reason behind all of this.”
Karan reflected on the sudden death of the commoner, expressing his confusion, “But why did they die so suddenly? They seemed fine when we arrived.”
Vihaan proposed a theory, “Is there a prominent drug cartel in Lucknow?”
Perplexed, Karan asked, “You mean a narcotics syndicate?”

Vihaan clarified, “Yes, I believe these individuals may have been administered a specialized drug.”

With determination in his voice, Vihaan continued, “We need to obtain the post-mortem reports as soon as possible. Additionally, gather information on all known drug lords and mafia operating in the city.”

Karan assured him, “I’ll make sure to gather all the necessary information.”
Vihaan concluded, “We’re just beginning this investigation, and it’s proving to be more intricate than we initially thought. It’s a high-stakes game we’re stepping into.”
Vihaan glanced once again at the papers, his eyes filled with intrigue. The city map, the passport-sized photograph, the riddle, and the enigmatic drawing beckoned his attention.

He carefully read the riddle aloud, his voice filled with curiosity, “Sometimes we unsee it, sometimes unheard, sometimes we unread it, sometimes unspoken?”

Karan furrowed his brows, deep in thought, attempting to unravel the riddle’s meaning.
Vihaan turned his attention to the other side of the paper. It revealed a peculiar drawing—a broken train precariously navigating a crumbling bridge or track.

Carefully tucking the page into his pocket, Vihaan pondered its significance.
Eureka! Karan’s voice resonated with excitement, “I’ve got it!”
Inquisitive, Vihaan inquired, “What is it?”

Karan explained with conviction, “It’s about the hidden and painful truths of people’s pasts. The burdens they choose to ignore or leave unspoken. Dark memories and unresolved troubles that haunt them.”

Vihaan nodded in agreement, recognizing the truth behind Karan’s insight.
Soon, a group of individuals arrived to transport the deceased body for the post-mortem examination. The atmosphere grew somber as they prepared to depart.

Karan’s phone rang, and his expression turned grave as he received the call. Concerned, Vihaan inquired about the call’s nature. Karan replied with worry etched on his face, “The car carrying the blood samples has been blown away.”

Surprised, Vihaan questioned, “Blown away? But how did that happen?”
Karan replied, “The details are still unclear. We need to investigate.”

Realizing the late hour and the magnitude of the challenges they faced, Karan suggested, “Vihaan, I think it’s time we return to our base. It’s getting late, and tomorrow promises to be a crucial day. I’ll dispatch another team to investigate the site where the car was blown away.”

Vihaan nodded, acknowledging the wisdom in Karan’s words.
It had been an arduous day for both of them, filled with unexpected twists and turns. They had encountered puzzles, suspicious deaths, and a web of unknown conspiracies.
Forgoing a visit to his own home, Vihaan sought solace among his trusted comrades—Raj Uncle and Harish. Tenderly clasping Harish’s hand, Vihaan whispered, “You are needed, Harish,” hoping that his dear friend would awaken soon. As exhaustion took its toll, Vihaan found comfort in the embrace of sleep, still clutching Harish’s hand tightly. In that moment, he understood that what truly mattered was the well-being of loved ones, and despite the chaos of the day, he had given his all, striving to make a difference.

The next morning, inside Lucknow City Hospital…

Vihaan jolted awake, his heart pounding from a vivid and distressing nightmare. He imagined Harish, his loyal companion, wounded and blaming him for his demise. The haunting image of Harish being shot in the chest lingered in his mind.
“Vihaan?” a concerned voice called out.

Gaining his bearings, Vihaan realized it was just a terrible dream—a nightmarish illusion that had gripped him in his sleep.

In the hospital room, Karan stood by his side, urging him to wake up fully. “Hey, wake up! We’ve received the reports,” he informed.
Anxious to know the contents of the reports, Vihaan inquired, “What do they say?”

Karan’s expression turned serious as he relayed the findings, “According to the reports, these commoners were administered a special drug. It was a German medicine utilized by the Nazis during World War II to covertly incapacitate their enemies.” Meanwhile, the hospital bustled with the daily activities of its workers, tending to their respective tasks.

Karan continued, “I’ve identified the areas where these alleged drug stores still exist. Today, we’ll carry out a raid, but before that, we’ll head to our safe house.”
Perplexed, Vihaan sought clarification, “Safe house?”
Karan nodded, reaffirming his statement, “The one I mentioned yesterday, located in Hazratganj.”

Together, they prepared to face the challenges of the day, armed with newfound information and a determination to uncover the truth. In the senior doctor’s cabin, Isha and Tara awaited their instructions. They had been summoned by their senior for a specific task.

“I have a place to send both of you,” the senior doctor began, his tone authoritative. Isha specialized in human psychology, while Tara focused on abnormal psychology, specializing in mental health and the study of mentally ill individuals.
“Where, sir?” they inquired, eager to know their assignment.

The senior doctor responded, “There’s an individual with severe psychological issues, and the Lucknow Commission requires a skilled psychologist to assess and evaluate his mental condition.” He further emphasized, “This won’t be your first patient encounter. Tara, this will be your 34th case, and Isha, your 16th. I expect exemplary performance from both of you. I don’t want any complaints coming from higher authorities.”

“I apologize, sir, but it’s actually my 17th case,” Isha corrected him politely.

The senior doctor acknowledged the correction and expressed his confidence in their abilities, stating, “Regardless, I have faith in both of you. I need detailed reports, as the individual in question is believed to be extremely brutal and sinful.”

He concluded with a warning, “Be cautious.”

Handing over a file containing the information about the individual, the senior doctor entrusted them with the task. The file revealed that the person had been incarcerated in Lucknow Central Jail for the past 30 years, confined to a special cell. A car from the headquarters awaited them, ready to transport them to the prison. Today’s investigation aimed to determine if the criminal had truly repented for his actions. If the psychologists concluded that he had, he would be granted his freedom; otherwise, he would face additional years of punishment. Inside the investigation office of Lucknow Central Jail, a team of officers and the two psychologists prepared for the crucial assessment. This process, conducted once every decade, aimed to gauge the remorse of the incarcerated criminals. A group of prison sergeants brought forth a man, shackled in chains, dressed in tattered clothes, bearing a disheveled appearance with a overgrown beard and numerous wounds on his face.

One of the officers sternly questioned, “So, Dharam, you find yourself here again, and I shall ask you the same question: do you believe you are truly sorry for your actions?”
He smiled mischievously and retorted, “Sorry? For what?”
The officer responded, “Seems like we need to refresh your memory. You were imprisoned for crimes associated with Divyendu Tyagi, and yet, you haven’t confessed.”
Another officer interjected, “You used to work at his residence.”

A third officer added, “And you were accused of brutally murdering twenty of your fellow workers. Among them were gardeners, cleaners, drivers, cooks… Yet, you claim to have no recollection of these nineteen murders that you committed.”
Dharam’s smile faded, and his tone grew serious as he responded, “Do you know that some of those victims were my own family members, some were my friends, and others were mere acquaintances?”

The third officer remarked, “See, this imbecile remembers everything.”

In a chilling manner, Dharam stated, “And why would someone kill their own family?”
The first officer coldly replied, “Psychocriminals like you are capable of anything for their twisted pleasure.”
Dharam retaliated, “In that case, I could also kill your three children, and I could eliminate his wife, his brother who works as a doctor at the city hospital, and these two girls.”
The second officer, filled with anger, declared, “Take this scum away and hang him on the gallows. Another ten years added to his sentence.”

The prison sergeants forcefully dragged Dharam toward his special cell, while he continued to laugh maniacally, shouting, “You will all die!”
Curious, Tara approached one of the officers and questioned, “Why wasn’t he placed in a mental asylum? It could have been a more appropriate form of treatment for him.”

The officer responded, “We did place him there before, but he managed to escape two or three times. This place is better suited for monsters like him.”
Another officer assured them, “Don’t worry about it. Carry out your psychological assessments and submit the reports to headquarters.”
Tara diligently registered Dharam’s name in the register and prepared the necessary reports for filing with the headquarters and the medical staff. It was a disturbing and harrowing investigation into the mind of a truly sinister criminal.

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