Chapter 4

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Vihaan was feeling better now. But Harish and his uncle raj verma were still unconscious, they must have been hit strongly due to the accident. Despite Vihaan’s improved condition, Harish and his uncle Raj Verma remained unconscious, indicating that they had likely suffered a severe impact during the accident. Vihaan, now recovering, felt a mix of relief and worry. He wondered about the extent of their injuries and hoped that they would regain consciousness soon. The accident had taken its toll on everyone involved, leaving Vihaan deeply concerned for his loved ones. With a heavy heart, he awaited any positive signs of recovery, hoping that Harish and his uncle would awaken and begin their own journey towards healing.

Vihaan saw something strange. Vihaan saw a small boy standing lonely on streets and looking towards him. Suddenly big waves of waters comes running down the streets and takes the boy away with it. Maybe the floods.

A man wearing a formal dress knocked on the door and entered the room. “Good morning, sir. My name is Karan Singh, and I’m a junior to Head Commissioner Raj Verma, sir,” he introduced himself. Karan greeted Vihaan with a bouquet of flowers and continued, “I’m here to assist you with the case, and it seems you have little knowledge about it.”

Vihaan acknowledged, “Yes, and I’m eager to learn more about it.”
Karan suggested, “Sir, I believe we should discuss this matter in a more suitable location.”
Vihaan responded, “Very well, I will arrange for us to meet at Guddu Uncle’s house later this evening.”
Karan nodded and said, “Certainly, sir.”

They had a meeting at guddu tyagi’s house to discuss the case.

After some hours,

Vihaan went in the hospital room next to him, deeply concerned about their deteriorating condition. Raj Chacha and Harish had suffered extensively, their advanced age making their bones more susceptible to damage. Fortunately, Vihaan had escaped major injuries, as he had been seated by the window during the incident. Harish remained unconscious, prompting Vihaan to grasp his hand gently, expressing his heartfelt sentiment. “You’re the only family I have,” Vihaan whispered, his voice filled with longing. “I eagerly await your recovery. There’s still so much left to accomplish, isn’t there, Harish Chacha?”

From the window, he noticed a car approaching. Inside was Karan Singh, who had arrived to meet him a little earlier. Karan stepped out of the vehicle and gazed towards the room, signaling Vihaan that he wanted to talk privately. Understanding the message, Vihaan grabbed his jacket and headed outside.

Approaching his car, Vihaan questioned, “You’re here early?”
Karan responded, “Someone who wishes to see you had a peculiar dream. He believes it is connected to the case.”
Vihaan pondered for a moment and replied, “Interesting. We should investigate further. Where does this person reside?”
Karan explained, “They don’t have a fixed address. However, they’ve been waiting at the main police station since morning, hoping to meet Raj sir.”

Vihaan found himself seated in Karan’s open-structured jeep as they embarked on a journey towards the Lucknow Central Police Station, a few miles away from the bustling City Hospital. The evening sky was shrouded in dark clouds, a common sight during the rainy season.

Karan suggested, “I’ll take you on a musical journey.”
Vihaan agreed, saying, “Sure.”
Curious about the era, Karan asked, “Which age are you interested in?”
Vihaan responded, “I’m interested in the 60s or 70s. They had some great songs.”
Karan smiled and said, “Well, I have a playlist for every decade.”
He reached over and pressed a few buttons on the radio in his jeep, starting to play a song.
The song that began to play was “Tu Jaha Chalega” from the movie released in 1966.
The melodious and melancholic tune filled the air, perfectly matching the environment.
Its lyrics went, “Tu jaha jaha chalega, mera saaya saath hoga.”
Which translates to, “Wherever you’ll go, my shadows will always be there with you.”

As they drove down the street, vihaan was startled by a captivating sight. The top floor of a nearby building was engulfed in flames. Frantically, he urged Karan to stop the car, but his words were likely drowned out by the blaring music. Vihaan’s gaze fixated on the blazing inferno, his heart pounding in his chest. Suddenly, his attention was abruptly diverted as he turned his gaze forward. What he saw filled him with terror, causing his eyes to widen in fear, all while the song continued to play:

“Tu jaha jaha chalega, mera saaya saath hoga.”

His alarm clock rang, snapping him out of his unsettling reverie. It was six in the evening. Vihaan awakened, glancing around to find himself still in the confines of the hospital room. It was as if the previous events had been nothing more than a nightmarish illusion.

Karan knocked on the door and entered, catching Vihaan by surprise. “Are you ready? We need to leave,” Karan said urgently.
Vihaan paused for a moment and responded, “Yes, give me a few minutes. I’ll be right there.” He retreated into the room, his mind still occupied by the unexpected visit.

As Vihaan turned to gather his things, he noticed something peculiar. A message was scrawled on the door, sending a chill down his spine. It read, “Now you are trapped. Will you find your way out? Everything is interconnected, all tied to you.” Accompanying the message was a drawing of a hauntingly eerie mask, triggering a flood of childhood memories. Transported back to his younger days, Vihaan reminisced about receiving a comic book from his uncle Damien on his birthday. In the comic, the same mask adorned the face of the antagonist, a symbol of malevolence. However, as the story progressed, the protagonist donned the very same mask, harnessing its power to overcome adversity.

Deep in thought, Vihaan wondered if this mysterious message held a similar meaning. Would he need to tap into his inner strength and confront the challenges ahead, just like the protagonist in his cherished comic book? Determined to find answers, he took a deep breath, gathering his resolve to face whatever awaited him beyond the door.

Meanwhile, Guddu Tyagi’s house was the setting for a discussion about an intriguing case. Guddu Tyagi, Karan, and Vihaan had gathered there. The ambiance was pleasant, and Guddu ji ordered imported drinks for everyone. However, Vihaan politely declined, stating that he doesn’t drink while working due to his principles. Guddu ji acknowledged Vihaan’s stance, remarking that Vihaan’s father had similar values. As a result, they decided not to drink and instead requested Vihaan to share his smoke with them.

Karan expressed his approval, mentioning that cigarettes and discussions about cases always made for a good combination. Vihaan took out his expensive pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket and offered them to Guddu ji and Karan. He also retrieved his lighter from the same pocket and lit their cigarettes. Vihaan inquired about the problem they were facing, to which Guddu Tyagi explained that some strange incidents had occurred recently, all interconnected.

Karan placed several pages on the table, which were discovered by police officers or the station in-charge at different police stations. He explained that a man had been visiting the police stations at night, confessing to the murder of twenty people. However, the following day, he was found dead in his prison cell. Tyagi added that the constables and police claimed to have properly secured the prison cells, taking the keys with them when changing shifts.

Vihaan examined the materials on the table, which included riddles and maps. Karan pointed out a sign that had been found above one of the police stations, accompanied by a riddle and a drawing depicting a crime scene. Vihaan read the riddles and diligently noted them down on his notepad.

The first riddle stated, “If you believe, then it is false; if you don’t, then it is true. What is the truth of that lie?” On the adjacent page, Vihaan found a drawing portraying a man hanging from a support, indicating a potential suicide scenario. Below the drawing was a question, “WHY KILLED ME?”

Flipping to the next page, Vihaan discovered another riddle, “No matter how much you hide, it will not hide; no matter how much you show, it will be ignored.” The accompanying drawing depicted two people laughing, one person crying, and a lady standing in the corner. A question beneath the drawing asked, “Renewal?”

Curiously, Vihaan turned to the last page, where he found the following riddle: “When the night comes, I go out; if it is morning, then I will keep quiet.” The corresponding drawing showcased a newspaper with a statement, “It was truth, that isn’t.”
Vihaan contemplated the riddle, “Renewal?” and the enigmatic drawings, seeking to uncover the hidden meanings behind them.

Meanwhile, Vihaan had also seen the pictures of the individuals involved and the images taken after their deaths. Realizing the importance of the information, Vihaan instructed Karan, saying, “Karan, gather all the available details on these individuals. We need to interrogate their contacts as well.” He further inquired, “Can either of you approximate the time when these events occurred?”
Karan responded, “Around 10, during the shift change.”
Vihaan deduced, “That means these incidents took place at night.”
He continued, “If we revisit the riddle, ‘When the night comes, I go out, if it is morning, then I will keep quiet,’ it suggests that the perpetrator is active at night. All these accidents, including ours, seem to be connected. Additionally, on the same day, I noticed a gathering of people in front of the barber’s shop while passing by.”
Guddu acknowledged, “You have a valid point.”
Karan concluded, “It indicates that the individual responsible is a nightcrawler.”
Vihaan declared, “Well, I want a detailed report of all the criminal activities from the past week.”
Karan assured him, “Certainly, Vihaan sir. Tomorrow morning, I will provide you with the crime reports and the post-mortem findings for these victims.”

Meanwhile, Guddu Tyagi’s phone rang, and he saw that it was Tara calling.

He answered the call, saying, “Yes, dear?”
Tara replied, “Papa, a patient came to my friend, and he claims to know something about the case.”
Curious, Tyagi asked, “What did he say?”
Tara explained, “He says he has been having strange dreams every night, and they come true the following day.”
Tyagi inquired, “Can I speak to him now?”
Tara replied, “The problem is that he can’t speak. He was using hand gestures to communicate, but he had a drawing with him. I couldn’t understand it, maybe you can make sense of it.”
Tyagi suggested, “Well, here’s what we’ll do. Let’s meet tomorrow. It’s getting late now, so hurry home.”

They hung up the call. 

Vihaan inquired, “What’s the matter, uncle?”

Tyagi ji responded, “This is Tara’s friend Isha. A patient came to her and claimed to be experiencing peculiar recurring dreams, which then comes true the following day.”

Vihaan exclaimed, “What? Uncle, call Tara and tell her to bring him along. If he’s telling the truth, he could be of great assistance to us.”
Tyagi ji dialed Tara’s number, and she answered the call.
Tyagi ji instructed, “Please bring that man along, dear.”
Tara replied, “Papa, he actually left a few minutes ago.”
Vihaan took the phone from Guddu and spoke, “Tara, can we get his phone number or address?”
Tara responded, “Yes, but only if he provided it in the hospital register.”

Vihaan said, “Alright.”

After the conversation, they ended the call.

Vihaan asked Karan if they could head to the city hospital to gather information about a certain individual. Karan agreed and addressed Vihaan as “sir.” However, Vihaan insisted that they were of similar age and requested Karan to stop using the formal title. Karan agreed and called him Vihaan instead. Vihaan bid farewell to Guddu and asked him to take care.

They drove to the city hospital.

Vihaan asked at the reception, “ Does any isha works here? “
The lady working at the reception said, “ Isha jaiswal, psychologist. “

Vihaan said, “ Yes. “
The receptionist asked, “ Do you have an appointment sir? “
Vihaan replied, “ No, actually we want to talk to her regarding a case. “
Karan showed his id proof.
She said, “ Sure sir, I’ll call isha mam, hold on. “

A few moments later, Dr. Isha arrived on the ground floor and inquired, “Sister informed me that you’ve come to meet me about a particular case.”
Vihaan responded, “Yes, that’s correct. Tara informed us that you had a patient who is experiencing unusual dreams, and we need to meet him.”
Isha replied, “Sir, he couldn’t provide us with much information, but his address is recorded in the hospital register. You can find it there.” She requested the receptionist to provide them with the address.

After receiving the address, they expressed their gratitude to the psychologist and made their way to the patient’s residence. He lived alone in a small house near the Kathauta Lake.
As they approached the house, they began knocking on the door, eager to meet the mysterious individual.

As Vihaan and Karan approached the door, they were greeted by a frail-looking man, his appearance indicating his impoverished state. Upon seeing them, he became filled with curiosity. Karan quickly presented his identification while Vihaan spoke up, stating their purpose of discussing the man’s peculiar dreams. With a subtle gesture, the man invited them inside his humble abode.

Upon entering, Vihaan’s attention was immediately drawn to the walls adorned with a myriad of unusual drawings. The images depicted various scenes, ranging from a person leaping off a tall building to two lifeless bodies accompanied by a mysterious murderer. Amongst these unsettling drawings, there was a depiction of a young child engrossed in watching television and even a surreal depiction of a river flowing with blood. In a sudden moment of recollection, Vihaan was reminded of his own childhood memories. He vividly remembered the joy he experienced while watching his favorite television show, “Robinhood,” and how he would imagine himself as the main character. The man’s drawings, particularly the one portraying a robin watching over the adventures of Robinhood, resonated deeply with Vihaan.

Vihaan asked him, “ What is your name? “
He gestured towards the sky.
Karan asked, “ Akash? “
He gestured yes.

Vihaan was eager to know the details of akash’s dream from the previous night. Gesturing for his friends to wait, he presented them with a drawing he had made that depicted the essence of his dream. The drawing featured a table with three individuals seated around it, and various sticks scattered in the surroundings. Intrigued by the artwork, Karan inquired about its meaning. Vihaan explained that it represented the process of an investigation.

Meanwhile, Karan received an urgent call from the Central Police Station in Lucknow, the headquarters of the local police. The voice on the other end informed him, “We have a man here who wishes to make a confession.”
Karan quickly responded, “Keep him there, we’re on our way.”
Vihaan turned his attention to Karan and asked, “What’s happening? Why do we need to go? Who is this man with a confession?”
Vihaan glanced at a drawing nearby and realized that it depicted the very event they were discussing. Checking the time, he saw it was around 10 o’clock.
Vihaan told Akash, “If you have any nightmares tonight, call this number for help.”
Turning to Karan, Vihaan said, “Let’s go, we need to reach the Central Police Station.”
The distance from Kathauta Jheel to the Lucknow Police Headquarters was approximately 6-7 miles, and they quickly made their way there in a jeep.

Karan inquired, “By the way, what led you to choose this profession?”
Vihaan asked, “What do you mean by ‘this’?”
Karan clarified, “I mean being an Indian Sherlock Holmes or an international crime branch agent?”
Vihaan replied, “It’s a long story, but I’ll keep it brief. My inspiration came from Robin Hood.”
Curious, Karan asked, “Robin Hood from the detective comics?”

Vihaan confirmed, “Yes, exactly, Robin Hood from the detective comics. He’s a heroic outlaw known for stealing from the rich to help the poor. He was not only skilled in archery but also had a talent for disguises. Despite being an outlaw, he had a good and generous heart and was loved by the townspeople for his kind deeds.”
Vihaan continued, “When I saw that there was still so much suffering in the world, I felt compelled to be like Robin Hood and decided to become a detective, combining his sense of justice with the skills to unravel mysteries.”

Impressed, Karan replied, “That’s incredible, so a cartoon character inspired you to become a real-life hero.”
Vihaan corrected him, saying, “The cartoon character was a hero in its own right.”
Karan agreed, saying, “Indeed.”

Curious about Karan’s motivations, Vihaan asked, “What inspired you to pursue this path?”

Karan opened up, “The mysterious and tragic death of my parents has always haunted me. I hoped that by becoming a police officer, I could uncover the truth behind their demise. However, some mysteries are deeply buried in the past, and I eventually realized that disturbing certain things might do more harm than good.”
Vihaan responded, “I understand.”
“Would you like me to play a song? It’s one of my favorites,” Karan asked.
Vihaan responded, “Sure, go ahead. How about ‘Tu Jaha Chalega’ from the movie ‘Mera Saaya,’ sung by Lata Mangeshkar?”

Karan was surprised and asked, “Wow, you know that song?”
Vihaan replied, “Yes, I happened to listen to it a few hours ago.”
Encouraged by Vihaan’s knowledge of the song, Karan suggested, “Let’s listen to it again.”

Karan played the song, and its melancholic yet melodious tune filled the room. Since its release, the song had become a timeless classic in the Indian music industry, thanks to the profound lyrics by Raja Mehendi Ali Khan and the divine voice of Lata Mangeshkar.

Karan reflected on the lyrics, “Tu jaha chalega, mera saaya saath hoga,” which translates to, “Wherever you go, my shadow will be there with you.”
He remarked, “Indeed, it perfectly captures our situation, doesn’t it?”
Vihaan agreed, saying, “Yes, you’re absolutely right.”

Karan inquired, “By the way, what is the one thing you will always wish for?”
Vihaan responded, “A fresh start, a new life.”
Curious, Karan asked, “What do you mean?”
Vihaan expressed, “I simply want to escape from everything that burdens me.”
Karan questioned, “Where would you go?”

Vihaan answered, “To a place of tranquility, devoid of violence. Somewhere it can be just me, perhaps with my Harish uncle and a new family.”

Karan remarked, “That’s a noble wish.”
Vihaan turned the question back, asking, “And what about you?”
Karan shared, “I have no family. My parents passed away mysteriously when I was a child. So, my wish is to have my loved ones back in my life, to be able to live with them again.”
Vihaan empathized, “I hope your wish comes true. I will wish for it too.”
They engaged in a heartfelt conversation as they continued on their journey.

After a while, they arrived at the headquarters.

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