Ian smiles at the bunch and suddenly stands from his seat. "Well since you're here, come and join us. The more the merrier," he says, and even though Ari and the others would rather not share a table with the Elites, it would make them look bad if they reject them in front of all these students from the lower houses.

     "The more the merrier," Felix answers in defeat, taking a seat first so Ervin and Ari can follow.

     As soon as they got comfortable, Ian took the liberty to order drinks for them, telling the sophomores that it would be his treat, so none of them could really decline.

     "So, what have you guys been up to without Max?" Richard asks, making Ari look at the secretary annoyingly again, acting as if he wasn't a fellow Rose.

     "We have lives outside Max, okay?" Ari defends again.

     "You were just complaining about how boring it was without him," Felix then reveals, and this time, Ari looked at his little friend with a "how-could-you-betray-me-like-this" look.

     "Well, we've been focusing on our own thing," Ervin answers while Felix and Ari are bickering at the side. "I've been training for an overseas competition happening next month, which will definitely boost my merit points if I end up winning it. Ari's been writing essays and research papers nonstop and might even be sent to Finland to present them, and Felix here has been busy with his...crazy...duties. If you know what I mean," Ervin surprisingly explains, which made the Elites surprised.

     "Looks like you guys are chasing something too. I'm relieved that you guys are working hard," Ian answers with a suppressed smile, trying not to sound sarcastic with his genuine compliment.

     Ervin smiles back, and then he turns to look at the vice president and says, "We're doing this for ourselves, but we also don't want to be a burden to Max. We want him to return and realize that we have grown too. We're not just waiting for him here without doing anything."

     As soon as Ervin said such a serious statement, everyone at the table became completely quiet. Even Ari and Felix became serious.

     Thankfully, after a while, Ian broke the silence by giving out a chuckle.

     "Looks like you really admire Max Sinclaire. That's good. It's always good to have someone as an inspiration," Ian says, turning to look at Gavriil as well. "Don't you agree, vice president?"

     Gavriil rolls his eyes back as he grabs his drink. Ari and the others' beer also arrived, so the council members passed it down so the three could finally have a drink. But while they tried to enjoy the rest of their night, someone from the pub suddenly shouted something that startled them.

     "Isn't that Father Lucas Ivory?!"

     As soon as he said those words, everyone in the pub turned to the television that was actually showing the news. And like what the student said, the president of the House of Bishops, Father Lucas Ivory, was right there on the screen, being escorted out of the campus by police officers with handcuffs.

     "W-What the fuck is going on?" Dustin asks in shock.

     Ian was surprised too, so he looked at the bartender and told him, "Can you please turn the volume up?"

     The bartender nodded his head and did what he was told while everyone's eyes were glued to the screen.

     "The police have finally arrived to arrest Lucas Ivory, who is known to be the school president of St. George Academy, after evidence of student exploitation and abuse was surrendered to the authorities this afternoon," a news reporter who was standing outside the gates of St. George Academy explains, leaving everyone completely speechless.

Kings On The Horizon (Vol. 4-6) ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें