Chapter 65- Freshhh

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"Hey thanks for meeting with me." I say as Charlotte pulls me into a hug

"Of course" she says and pulls back from the hug and we sit down

"What's on your mind?" She asks

"I really just wanted to talk to someone who won't ask me about Charles eveytime I sigh." I laugh

"I get it, you want to move on but people are unintentionally trapping you." She says as I nod

"He said there relationship was set up." I say and she nods

"I could tell, it was timed a little to conveniently, but let's not talk about it. Do you have any upcoming plans you're excited for?" She asks

"Well I'm leaving to go to Croatia tomorrow morning, I'm really excited for that. after I'm going back home to see my family." I say

"Where in the states did you live?" She asks me

"Pennslyvania it's not far from New York City." I say

"Well that will be fun, family time is the best time." She says and I nod

"Yeah, what about you?" I ask

"I'll be in Italy starting next week until basically the end of the month." She says

"All around Italy or just in one place?" I ask

"All around, start in Milan end in Tuscany." She explains

"That will be a lot of fun, especially tuscany." I say and she nods

"Yeah I'm excited, it's like a fun getaway with my sister and some friends before I start work again." She says

"It's like the same for me; I have a few things I need to have done for work because of the position change but other than that, I'm work free." I said and she smiles

"Position change.. is that like promotion?" She asks and I nod

"Yeah essentially, technically it's not, my company sugarcoats things like there is no tomorrow." I laugh

"Well it's amazing either way you say it.congratulations!" She exclaims and I smile

"Thank you, i actually feel like the job I'm getting is easier than the one I have now. And the best part is I get to go live in Barcelona for a month while I complete the training for it." I say

"That sounds amazing, and you get so much time away from all this. I'm really excited for you Maggie!" She says

"Thank you, I don't think you even understand how greatful I am that you could meet me today. It's like a breath of fresh air." I laugh and she smile

"I get it, that's how it was for me at the beginning. It felt like there was nobody I could talk to who would get it. Even my sister, all she could ask was 'do you feel better about Charles yet?' And it was hell."she says and I nod

"Eventually I just blocked it out, and still a bunch of my comments are still all about him and people tag me in videos. Matter of a fact, when pictures of the two of you came out I couldn't catch a break. But you just learn to ignore it. But in order to do that, you have to embrace the change" She adds

"So I just have to embrace that he's gone basically."I ask and she nods

"That's correct." She says and I nod

"Well I will get started on that now." I laugh


"I want a bagel." Celeste groans

"Shut up." Mercedes hisses and I laugh

There was absolutely nothing like the Shapiro sisters when hangry. Currently the three of us were waiting for our Uber and we had a long morning of traveling. Celeste was mad and Mercedes was even more mad. Which was typical for us, we always ended up in this situation when the three of us were together.

My Fire -Charles Leclerc Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя