Chapter 35- Homecoming

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Listen before I go- Billie Eilish
Evergreen- Flipturn



"When is your flight leaving?" Freya asks walking into the office and setting down my laptop after she used it to present in our meeting this morning

"It's at 8:30, I'm staying  here until 4:30 then going to grab my bags and change then I'm going to the train station and from there to the airport and so forth." I say as she nods

"Did you find out from Paul if he had the original campaign on file?" She asks walking to sit down at her desk

"He told me he's going to give them to me as soon as he went back to the file room, apparently he hasn't been in a while so obviously he's back to his normal ways" I shrug

"Not doing his job?" She scoffs

"Exactly that" I exclaim as my phone buzzes and I look down to it and see a message from Charles

When do you get back again?

Tuesday night, like very late

How late is that?

Like idk
Maybe 7
My flight leaves at 5 am
So yeah 7 ish
But i have customs and the train ride back
And the ride back from the train station

What if I pick you up from the train station

And do what

Just go to my apartment
Eat some food
It's up to you

I will text you when that wraps around
Are you okay tho

Nothing ugly boy Nate couldn't fix

Ok so do you want to get blocked????

Calm down I'm kidding

I'll be kidding when I hit block
If the man isn't nate archibald
I do NOT want him

Great for my ego

We have rules you know...
Sunday night was a one time thing
No strings attached you remember that

Yeah yeah
I remember trust me

I'll talk to you later though I gotta finish up this ad before my supervisor comes in

Talk soon


"I'm gonna watch who I eat with from now on, ever since the most recent installment of me on f1 gossip page, I have thousands of follow requests because people found my account, I'm very scared the 2 Christian Pulisic fan accounts I let follow me during lock down are going to leak my photos." I tell Paul as he sits down on the couch

"Yeah you should do that" he says as I give him a look

"That makes zero sense" I laugh

"Sorry I'm not good at multitasking and this email is difficult to read, or maybe I'm slow. Maybe both"he chuckles and turns his attention back to his laptop

"Most definitely both, your a bit slow in the brain, What's the problem with me eating I don't get it" I sigh

"Maggie, with all do respect and love I don't care at the moment. It's always communications sending the confusing emails. Like I have no clue what any of this means at all." He says as I stand up and walk to look at the email

"Oh yeah, no way i even try to figure it out. I just skip to the last paragraph, it usually sums the whole email up nicely." I laugh as he groans

"Tough luck my friend, you'll bounce back I know it" I joke and walk back to my desk and sit down

"Where is Freya?" He asks

"Lunch with Leo, he got a break from court for a couple hours so they are together. We all haven't hung out in so long though."

"Yeah it because the trial is ridiculous, he told me Monday that it would most likely be concluded by the end of the week. And I'm praying that his side wins because he's working so much it's terrible" Paul rants as I nod in agreement

"When he's done and we are all going to hangout and watch blade runner."

"Or we could not. That movie is just terrible and you say you like it but you are always mad when we watch it. Maybe we should watch something new... sopranos maybe?" He asks as I sigh

"Whatever you say"

"Maybe be a little more open minded"he says clicking away at his computer

"Funny coming from you." I mumble as there is a knock on the door.

"Door" Paul calls out as I roll my eyes and stand up to get it

I was quite surprised when I opened the door and Charles was there with a bouquet of purple tulips

"Ah for me, you shouldn't have" i wink and allow him inside the office as he spots Paul and waves to him

"I'll be heading out now, in case I don't see you before you leave. I will miss you dearly and will keep you updated" Paul says and walks out as I close the door behind him

After he leaves the following seconds are clouded with silence until I speak.

"So I'm confused, what are the flowers for?" I ask

"Just a thank you, I'm very appreciative for what you did" he shrugs as I nod

"Don't worry about it, i understand the feeling. Nobody should have to go through it alone so I'm always here to help" I smile and walk back to my computer

"I had a question for you though... you don't have to say yes but I wanted to ask anyway. Next month during the Monaco Grand Prix there is this party Saturday night, if you feel up to it would you maybe come with me ?" He asks

"Sure, what's the worst that could happen" I shrug as he nods his head

"Okay perfect, I will let you get back to work. I was on my way to my brothers apartment and I dongg to want to be late, but remember to text me about the train thing" he says as I nod

"Alright, thank you." I say as he exits

" I say as he exits——————————————————

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Magscarter- via Instagram stories


"Ladies and gentlemen, I present: Magnolia Carter" Mark says as he leads me into the living room filled with my family and friends

"Maggie!" Kelley yells jumping out of her seat to come give me a hug

"I've missed you so much" I softly say as she embraces me

"I've missed you more kid" she replies and lets go

"Chlo bug" I squeal giving clone a hug

"Maggie cee, I missed you so much it hurt." She says as I laugh

"And I missed you more, we have to go to the donut place tomorrow morning oh my gosh that sounds so good right now." I begin as she laughs

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