Chapter 29- half full

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December 24th, 2011- Hershey,Pennsylvania

"We had been at the hospital all night and it was slowly trickling into the morning hours with the time being 6:48 am

Kelley went home to be with Christian and Devyn at around 11 and mark stayed with me at the hospital.

I was exhausted, exhausted from all the questions, exhausted from all the tears and exhausted from lack of sleep. I was just exhausted.

"Maggie do you want to eat something?" Mark asks walking back into the room with fruit in one of his hands and what looked to be some sort of pastry in the other

"No thanks" I say keeping my eyes locked on my father who was still sleeping

They had extracted the bullet from his body and now he was just in a coma like state, there was a good Chance of him waking up but there was also a good chance of him not. Also there was a very small chance that he could die because of where the bullet hit him but they said it was very unlikely.

It was just a waiting game, a game I didn't enjoy playing but I had no choice.

"You gotta eat something." He says taking the seat next to me. I shake my head in response

"He's gonna be okay, don't worry about anything. It's  going to be all okay." He tries to reassure

"I really hope so" i whisper

After about an hour I finally agree to go find something I would like to eat

"What was the gift this year?" Mark asks on the walk back to the room

"He got me this ring" I say pointing to the ring on my finger

"It's very pretty " he says examining it

"Yeah" I say as a group of doctors runs past us down the hallway towards my fathers room and my heart drops

"Where are they going" I ask pointing

"I'm not sure Maggie" he answers as they turn into the room

"No, they went into dads room" i whisper and run down the hall

"Maggie wait" mark yells and runs after me

I reach the room and I hear the long beep and I freeze.

I froze and trapped myself in my own mind letting every memory of my father flash before my eyes before I snapped back

"No, no, no" I begin to cry

Mark comes back into the room and I hear him take a deep breath

"Come out of the room Maggie" he says and pulls me out into the hallway to allow the doctors to do their job

The next hour was a blur

I remained in the hallway crying and Mark trying to comfort me

Then I remembered a doctor coming out of the room and telling us that my father was dead.


March 21st, 2023- Monaco

7:20 am

As I slowly opened my eyes I was faced with Charles fast asleep with his arms wrapped around my body

I sighed remembering the phone call from last night, and the complete mental breakdown I had following.

I didn't ever feel comfortable telling people about my father, the only reason Paul, Freya and Leo know is because they are my closest friends in Monaco and it took me almost 9 Months to even tell them that my father was dead. So it was extremely weird to me that I was able to just tell Charles the whole story after three months of knowing him. There was just a certain energy he gave off that was so comforting and so familiar. Maybe he just got me at a weird time though, there's been a lot going on the last few months so maybe I've just been more vulnerable than usual.

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