Chapter 53- its a hypothetical

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I know I failed you- DJ gummybear


"Okay okay,uhh, yellow." I say carefully

I was currently tied up in my most intense game of uno, Me, Lando, Alex and Logan. Oscar was playing but he decided to withdraw from the game due to his quote: harassment.but he remained sitting with us in the circle.

Alex and lando were calling him slow and petty insults such as those. "Oh god damn it I thought you were going to go for red, I was counting on that" Alex yells as I laugh

"We have to lock in, magnolia only has 2 cards left." Logan says

"Stop saying lock in" Alex and lando say in unison as it gets back around to my turn

"Uno." I say placing my card down, it's immediate chaos after, "someone put down a draw card! Or reverse it so I can" lando screeches

"So you guys take your uno very seriously?" I chuckle

"Yeah, and what about it?" Lando asks

"Nothing, just I've never been involved in uno this intense" I chuckle as they go around and eventually get back to me

"Well I can now say, I've won an intense game of uno played with formula one drivers. I smile and place my final card down and they immediately all freak out

"No shot we just lost to her, this is her first time in the circle too, oh my god we are all ass" Logan Whines

"Oscar is the common denominator, if he played this wouldn't have happened" lando groans as I just continue laughing

"We can run it back next month, or if you guys get free time this weekend, but I doubt it." I shrug as they all begin sulking

"Oh wow so this was the sources of the yelling the last twenty minutes." Carlos exclaims walking up to us with Charles and I drop my head down

"I'm gonna go find Paul, I'll see you later Lando." I nudge Lando as he nods

"Alright but text me if you want to do something tonight." He says as I give him a thumbs up and grab my bag and begin to walk to the exit of the Fia building

I get out and begin walking to the pit lane as I hear the door fly open behind me. Oh my god.

"Magnolia wait." Charles calls out as I stop and turn around

"If it's not work related I can't help, either way I'm off so you'll have to ask Liv." I say as he sighs and steps closer to me as I back up

"You need to stop ambushing me." I say

"Then you have to stop icing me out and just talk to me, you haven't even given me a chance." He says

"You mean like the whole week you iced me out, that was your chance to explain and you didn't use it. Instead you did the opposite and came to the race with another girl" I say remaining calm because i know there are cameras everywhere

"I know, but you said at the beginning of this whole thing you didn't want feelings and you didn't want a relationship so why does it matter?" He asks

"You just don't get it" i scoff

"No I don't, please help me understand it." He pleads

"It wouldn't even take a genius to understand the problem with what you just said and how it applies to the situation." I say quietly

"What do we do then, what are we supposed to do if you can't even look at me." He asks as I shake my head

I hadn't been able to make eye contact with him let alone even take my eyes off something else when he was speaking to me

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