Chapter 8- Short Lasted Bliss

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Playlist for the chapter

Ivy- Frank ocean

Im sticking with one song, this chapter is almost like a filler chapter and I don't want to use multiple songs on filler chapters

"So your from America?" Carlos asks as we walk
down the street to a coffee shop I knew about

"Born and raised, I'm going to assume you saw that on my instagram because I don't recall saying that much when I was introducing myself" I say and he chuckles

"Yeah, speaking of which you never actually accepted my request to follow you"

" yeah I saw it, acknowledged it then totally forgot. I'm never active on instagram" I explain as we walk through the doors of the coffee shop

I was extremely relieved when only two other people were in there

The last thing I wanted was dating rumors between me and Carlos Sainz

"What type of coffee do you usually get?" Carlos asks me

"Depends on the day, today it's cold and gloomy so I'm going to get a cappuccino" I say and walk up to the counter

I order my coffee and he orders his and just before he takes out his card I quickly pay for both of the coffees

"Hey!" He exclaims as we step to the side to wait for the coffee to come out

"Don't worry about it, think of it as a celebration of basically partnership" I laugh and look down to my phone as Christian texts me

"Next time I'm paying" he says confidently

"What makes you think there will be a next time?" I ask as he laughs

"Well you have to come to some of the races, your sponsoring Ferrari and im pretty sure you could get paddock passes" he explains as I shake my head

"I don't know, maybe I'll go to the race here. But it depends. Work keeps me real busy."

" How was your meeting with Charles?" He asks veering off the previous topic

" not the greatest, but I've definitely had worse meetings than that." I tell him and grab our coffees and hand him his

"Yeah, I figured he'd be pretty hostile. Him and his girlfriend just broke up like last week so he's been in a sour mood recently" he explains as I nod

"Yeah, it was fine. Like I've most definitely had worse experiences than that in my career so I'm alright"

"But I will apologize for whatever he may have said. I know he can be very difficult when he's angry" he says as I laugh

"Yeah don't sweat it, we probably need to head back. You don't want Taryn to be upset" I say as he nods and we begin walking back to the building

"Well it was very nice to meet you, I will see you next month before pre season testing" he says with a smile on his face

"Nice to meet you aswell, and I look forward to it" I say as Taryn walks out of the elevator

"Ah Carlos finally you came back" she exclaims as I laugh

"I'll see you around Carlos" I wave to him and walk toward the elevator

"Accept my follow request" he yells after me as I chuckle to myself

I go into the elevator and tap the 3rd floor button and go on my Instagram to accept his request

I then go onto my text messages to see what Christian was trying to talk to me about

Did you get your schedule for this month?
                     Yeah, I got it this morning I'll will double check in like 2 seconds once I get back to my desk

I'll just be here waiting
Okay my first day off for Christmas break is the 20th
So maybe I can come the 21st then leave on the 1st?

Do you have work on the second
        Yeah, they are getting a bit to predictable now

But why so early, don't people party in Monaco?
Yeah, the people who live in the penthouse above me   party at least once a week hence why I've familiarized myself with freyas apartment

Well you might just want to book a later flight
For new years mason invited us to his party
And last year it felt like hell the next day
Or i guess the same day
Same shit
Ok Christian...
But I'll do that when I get home from freyas

In my dreams
But no, Paul, Her boyfriend Leo and me are going there to watch Croatia play tonight

I'm going to be there like at the stadium
You already told me that!
Like 40 times last night before I went to sleep
Shut up
How bout no!
But I do have to go get back to work
Ok I'll call you tomorrow once I get home
Love ya kid
Ok I'll talk to you later amigo
Love you too man

"Knock knock, is anyone home" Paul asks opening my office door

"No, please exit now" I groan as he walks over to my desk with some papers

"This is the ad report you requested, I'm just delivering it for you. Also I walked to work today so can you just take me to freyas house with you when you go?" He asks

"I guess, if I have to" I joke as he smiles

"How was your meeting" he asks

"With that guy Ralph? He's intoxicating and I might make Freya do the whole campaign" I say as he shakes his head

" with the Ferrari drivers" he corrects as i sigh

"Carlos wasn't bad, matter of a fact the meeting went fairly well and after we went to get a coffee quickly." I explain

"I could sense the but from a mile away" he starts as I begin to talk again

"But Charles was a sour person. Like he had a vendetta against us and the agreement"

"He's sassy" Paul jokes as I laugh

"You guys have something in common!" I laugh as he frowns

"Also by the way, the Ferrari file was actually very helpful so thank you for that" I tell him as he shakes his head

"Just doing my job" he says and shrugs

"Okay I need to run home after I finish up with this ad, so if you're cool with just coming with me then we can move foward with the plan" I ask him

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I still have a change of clothes at your house and if not I'll just wear this" he says as I smile

"Don't be stupid, if you don't have clothes I'll stop by your place and you can change" I say as he smiles

"Thanks Maggie" he says as I shrug

"Just doing my job"

I quickly finish up my ad and shut off my computer before turning off the lights in my office and Paul follows me out the door

We pass by Adelaide at the reception and wave to her before making it outside where I wish it was hot but instead it was freezing

"I totally forgot to tell you, Carlos Sainz is following me on instagram" I tell Paul as we get into my car

"HES WHAT!?" He exclaims as I laugh

There may be a double update tonight 🤫

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