Chapter 33- Whole lotta laughs

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No playlist for this chapter
I don't want to do a playlist because this is a filler but I wanted to give a quick update for those who asked about just smile and may not have seen the message about it. So I was going to edit this book I'm currently working on and I noticed it wasn't there. I reported the issue and just recently I got access to the book so I will just be gradually re-releasing the chapters. I would like to note that my priority is with My fire, and the other book I have in the works that tied in with My fire, so please be patient with me if your waiting on just smile. Thank you!

Enjoy this chapter!
"Maggie what the fuck happened yesterday?" Lando
roars walking up to me right outside the mclaren garage

"Uh I helped him with pr stuff I told you that." I answer looking up from my phone

I was answering messages from Chloe and Devyn about the dresses we would be wearing over the weekend and how we're planning to coordinate them to match

"Yeah I doubt it. You'll have to come up with something better than that." He jokes shoving me lightly

"Man I love how persistent all you drivers really are. So freaking persistent!" I sarcastically exclaim and he rolls his eyes in response

"I'm right, you can just admit." He says as I spot lily in the garage as she waves me over

"As much as I would love to continue this chat, I'm being summoned right now. I probably won't see you until after the race so good luck." I slap him on the back as he groans

"Yeah alright" he says

I walk into the garage to lily and she greets me with a smile.

"How are you doing today?" She ask

"I'm doing fabulous, how about you?" I ask

"No complaints, was lando talking your ear off?" She asks

"Yeah, that one is alway yapping, always running his mouth. I can't shake him it's terrible." I laugh

"Do you want to come with me to get something to eat? I still have like no friends in the paddock and Oscar just left for media stuff." She ask

I nod my head and smile "that sounds delightful actually, you can lead the way." I say as she laughs and begins walking up to the paddock club and i follow her

We quickly sit down and order then in the time between ordering and actually getting the food we began chatting up a storm.

"Okay so explain to me aerospace engineering. What possessed you to want to study that!" She laughs

"Honestly, money. At school they did this stem presentation and they said that's where the money was at and I went home and told my dad that and he told me to go for it." I explain

"What is it they say? Get the bag?" She chuckles

"Exactly that, but once I finished my major I realized that I didn't want to work in aerodynamics. It's way too boring. So I did they other two." I say

"Your brave, I'm here crippling under one major and you shot out three. That's ridiculous honestly." She says

"Yeah, it's was good for me though. I was in a weird place before I moved away, so moving across the country and getting a good halfway fresh start was good for me. And I had new distractions to keep my mind of things"

"Well I'm glad you took that path, otherwise who knows if you'd be here right now. And I'd remain friendless and probably hungry." She says as I laugh

"Yeah I'm glad I'm here, meeting new people is like my favorite thing. So formula one is the way to do it."

My Fire -Charles Leclerc Where stories live. Discover now