Chapter 37-Best served hot

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"Man your just like living the dream" Paul says as we exit the meeting room

"What the hell are you blabbering about now?" I ask

"See you got Charles Leclerc AND João Felix, you know how insane that is right?" He asks

" what do you feel like for lunch?" I ask trying to get away from the topic

"Tea" he laughs as I walk through the door to my office and he follows

"It's nothing. There isn't anything with Charles and I. And João literally only followed me on instagram, it's not like we text like he hasn't even sent me a dm" I try to protest when almost on cue I get a notification saying João sent me a message

" ah no? What's that notification you're looking at?" He asks

"Poor timing Paul,poor poor timing" I say and sit down at my desk and log back into my computer

"Well what does it say" he says leaning his elbows in the desk

"I don't know, I don't wanna look until after work. You know work, job, you have one too. Do it." I say as he chuckles and walks to the file cabinet

"On friday, Leo is finally done with his case so we are all hanging out for the first time since freakin January" he says grabbing out a file and bringing it back to my desk

"What's this?" I ask him referring to the file he dropped on my table

"New proposal, you know I think you'll like this one." He smiles

"I'll see you at lunch Maggie" he sings and exits the office

I roll my eyes and open the file and begin reading through it

My phone buzzes again and this time it's a text from Christian

Maggie you haven't spoken to me all day

I'm working right now
I'll call you as soon as I get off

What time is that

I'm done at 4 today
So I'll call you as soon as I get off
I promise

If it's 4:30 and you still haven't called I'm on the first plane out there



"This is the first sponsorship I've agreed with" I tell Freya as she nods

"Yeah I like this one, I wanna know who came up with it" she responds

"Let's guess, who watches football on the board? Anyone know?" Paul asks

"Andrew, and he's always wearing that psg hat so it makes sense" I say and they agree

"What are we thinking for Friday?" Freya says

"Dinner? And we can go to my place after and just hangout there" Paul says

"Oh wow, that's rare. An invite to Paul's luxurious penthouse. Wowww" Freya says as I laugh

"That's not rare, you guys just always invite me to your place. Plus Maggie you've been over like a bunch" he protests

"That's true, I go all the time. Like once a month very extraordinary" i joke

"Okay enough, dinner then my place. Sound like a plan?" He asks

"Yeah, I have a meeting so either be very quiet or go elsewhere." I say as they both get up

My Fire -Charles Leclerc Where stories live. Discover now