Chapter 16- Fall Back

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I love you so- The Walters

Yellow- Coldplay

This chapter has a bit going on but the next was is just so packed.

I'm so excited to release it but until then.


"You look rough." I say to Christian as i wheel out my suitcase and leave it near the door before walking back to him in the living room

He's sprawled out on the couch still in last nights clothes, looking rather tired I guess you could say.

"I wish you could've stayed till tomorrow" he groans as I nod siting down next to him

"Yeah, but I gotta work. I think I have a meeting at 9 tomorrow morning so I definitely won't be taking a break from work until after January." I say as he plops his head back down

"Yeah but I'll see you in February right?" He asks as I nod

"When you come to Germany maybe I'll pop over there before pre season testing" I say patting his shoulder

"Alright, what time at you leaving here?" He asks as i look to my watch

"About an hour"

"But it's only noon" he says

"My flight is at 5, so I need to get there early enough to check my bag and all that stuff and the airport is 30 minutes away so assuming we leave on time I'll get there at 1:30 and have a lot of breathing space" I say as he sighs

"With that being said, I'm going to go get in the shower really quick" he says as I laugh


"Okay remember to check your phone and blah. And I want updates on if Charles says anything" he says as I pull my suitcase out of the back of the car

"Yeah, it probably won't be anything special but I'll let you know" I laugh dryly and move to the side so he can close the trunk

"Alright I'll see you soon, love you Christian" I say giving him a hug

"Love you too, see you soon." He says quietly as I smile and pull back from the hug

"Good luck this month" I say and begin walking away

"Same to you!" He calls back and I smile to myself

I walk in and walk to the baggage check and what do you know

5 pounds overweight. So on brand

I was entirely to lazy to remove stuff so I instead payed the overweight bag fee.

After that dilemma I went to security and it didn't take as long as I expected so I was at my gate by 2:30.

I remembered I could begin to get work done so I pulled my laptop out as well as the charger and opened my email to check what I had been assigned for the month

The first email was from my board supervisor, Elena who was super chill. She just gave me a breakdown of big meetings and priorities for the month per her usual. She stated clearly she wanted me more focused on the meta partnership this month and it would most likely be the same for February. The email close with the document for the end of month report that I had to submit at the end of the month.

The emails that followed were mostly from meta marketing and some Ferrari content strategies buddy mostly meta.

By the time I cycled through all of the emails we had just 20 minutes until boarding

My Fire -Charles Leclerc Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang