Chapter 64- Fires dead

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"Thank god we are done." I say and Freya laughs as we are walking towards the exit after the podium ceremony

"Yeah I'm so ready to sleep in my own bed. And to be out of the rain." She says

"Yeah, I'll meet you back at the hotel, I have to talk to lando." I say and she nods

"Alright, if you need anything just text me." She says and I nod and wave as she exits and I turn back to walk to the Ferrari Motorhone

I walk all the back and up to Charles's driver room and knock on the door.

"Come in" he calls out and I take a deep breath and open the door

"Hey" I say

"Hey, how are you doing?" He asks

"Fine, good job today. It was a good drive" I say and he shrugs

I lean my back against the door and he remains in the chair, thankfully respecting boundaries.

"I really am I sorry, it was never supposed to be like this." He says quietly

"What does that mean Charles, I don't understand how it could be any different." I say and he shakes his head

"It wasn't supposed to be her, it was supposed to be you. I wanted it to be you." He says and I shake my head

"That's not answering my question" I shrug

"We are in this PR relationship essentially. Because the rumors of the you and I were overloading the team and it was getting harder and harder" he begins and my heart stops.

"that doesn't mean it could've been different. That actually means the opposite" I say and he shakes his head

"They gave me a choice, they said date you. Or pick someone else." He says quietly and I feel the tears

"When was this" I whisper

"After the night in the club I had the meeting." He says

"Not the night at the club, the night you told me you loved me." I say

"Yeah." He says

"So let me just recap, to try and make this make sense to me. And you can tell me if it makes sense. You knew how I felt about you and you decided to just go date someone else knowing my feelings?" I ask

"I'm sorry." He says softly

"Sorry just isn't going to cut it." I laugh in absolute shock and turn to leave

"Wait no, just stop for a second." He says

And I turn back to him. "Charles you do realize that I opened up to you right? I told you shit I've never told anyone in my life and this is what you do." I say as a tear rolls down my cheek

"This isn't how I wanted things between us to happen." He sighs and stands up

"Well clearly it's is given that you did make the decision. And the worst part is I seriously though you were different. You're exactly the same." I scoff

"That's not fair" he defends

"You're right, At least Greg apologized and explained why he was the way he was. And I forgive him. You, not the same story." I say

"I know I fucked up, I'm sorry, I truly am so so sorry." He says taking a step towards me and I shake my head

"I'm done Charles.i wanted an explanation and I guess I got it. Enjoy your time with Alex, try to tell her the truth so you don't hurt her too." I say and leave the room wiping my eyes and making my way away from the motorhone and to the front where lando was waiting for me

"Did you talk?"he asks

"I heard enough." I say quietly and he nods as we make our way make to his car so he can drive us back.

I had finally gotten off the plane home and back to my car at the airport and as I got in I took a deep breath and looked down at my phone to see the time


I would probably be home in half an hour or so and I knew once I was finally home I would crash out.

Before I drove away I got a text message from João, surprisingly.

Sorry to bother but I had a question

It's not a problem
What's up

Do you know a lot about baseball by chance
I know you like all sports so I feel your the best person to ask

You know what
Baseball is the one sport I do not like
I can't stand it

Yeah it's kinda action less

You can say boring
I'm not offended

Yeah it's a bit boring

Did you get invited to a game or something?

Something like that
Christian told me you were coming back to the United States ina few weeks though

Yeah I'm visiting home for a few days then I think I'm going to Florida with Christians parents then I'm coming home

Oh really
When are you going to be in Florida

I'm thinking we will get there on the 13th and be there until the 15th the. I'm flying home

Oh well I'll still be in Florida if you wanted to meet up

I would like that actually

Just when you are here let me know and we can plan something

Alright I'll talk to you later then

Goodnight Maggie


At last I was home and in the comfort of my own bed. I laid down and I was honestly so tired I couldn't keep my eyes open to save my life.

I slipped into a deep sleep and I knew because whenever that happens I wake up a few hours later completely confused and more tired than I was before I went to sleep. The time was 2:58 and I already knew I wouldn't be getting back to sleep, so I just sat up and turned the tv on and lowered the volume so it wasn't a disturbance and I watched it for a few minutes before standing up and going out to my balcony.

Unfortunately the music from night clubs and all the yacht parties was still on and very loud and it blocked my ability to just think,so I went back inside and did my new favorite last time.

Stalking the Account updating my activity.I scrolled through the most recent ones and saw the last one was of me this morning walking into the garage. I still found no comfort in the fact people were so interested in my life.

It was just weird how fast things change.

My Fire -Charles Leclerc Where stories live. Discover now