Chapter 6- The Silent Treatment

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Playlist for the chapter

Space song- beach house

Only one song for this chapter, the song is quite long so I think it should last the whole duration of the chapter if you choose to listen to it!

December 24th, 2011- Hershey Pennsylvania

"What happens now?""I ask Kelley after all the police finally leave their house

"I wish I could give you an answer kid" she say giving me a slight hug as I continue to stare out the window

"For now you are going to stay with us until we get further instruction" mark adds and walks into the living room

"Okay for now you can just stay with Devyn in her room until we clear the guest bedroom" Kelley says standing up

"I don't have any clothes." I mumble as she nods

"You have some you left here from sleepovers" she says and we walk up the stairs

"Ok thank you"'

That was the last of the words I said for the rest of the day and the following week

I responded to people with a series of nods that would indicate if I needed or wanted something

The feelings were to much for me to handle, I cried when it happened,I was angry after and I've been blank since I went to sleep that night

"Mags I'm going to the fields for some practice right now, do you wanna come be my goalie" Christian asks I quietly sigh and nod standing up to grab my shoes

The field that Christian would shoot around at were right across the street from his house. Most times after we'd eat dinner as a family we would go there to play around.

"Okay go in goal, please don't get hit in the face" he says as we get to the field and he gets his cleats on

I walk to the goal and stand in the middle ready to protect my face

Christian begins shooting, sending most of them to the corners so I couldn't save those

But one I got my finger on and the ball really hated me because it pushed my finger so far back it was folded

I let out a quiet yelp as I moved out of the goal and Christian dashed over to me

"I'm so sorry Maggie, are you okay" he freaks

"I'm okay,calm down. I'm okay" I mumble as I look at my finger already growing swollen and bruised

"Maybe we should go back, my mom will look at it for you" he says as I nod and we walk back to the house


December 5th, 2022- Monaco

"Magnolia? Your in early!"Adelaide, our receptionist smiles as I scan my badge

"Yeah I have a lot of meeting prep, my first meeting is at 9:30 so I'm trying to give myself a lot of time to catch up" I explain as she laughs

"Three hours hopefully make the cut"she jokes as I laugh

" i actually need to ask if you had the agreement documentation they should be on your drive . Could you print those for me?" I ask her as she begins to look

"Yeah, give it a second. You're meeting the Ferrari boys today? Are you excited" she asks

"Honestly, no. I feel like they will be snobbish and annoying" I say and lean against the reception desk

"I'm sure they'll be fine, maybe a little snobby but bearable" she says and hands me the papers

"Wish me luck" I say and grab the papers from her and walk to the elevator

As I walk through the elevator doors once I get to the third floor i go first to reserve the meeting room for two, hour long blocks

I knew i wouldn't need an hour for the meeting but I was trying to be safe

I went from there to my office and put my jacket on the rack and put my tumbler on the desk so I could grab my empty file so I could build a new one

I went over to the file cabinet and saw that there was one with a red tab that I've never seen

I pulled it out and it was labeled Ferrari

"Well I'll be dammed, he actually did work" I say thinking of Paul

I return to my desk and place the file down and start working

"What the hell, why are you here so early?" Freya asks waking into our office and putting her bag on the couch and grabs the remote turning the tv on

"What's on right now?" I ask

"World Cup stuff, the actual game that I want to watch is at 5. Which reminds me do you want to come over to watch with Paul and Leo?" She asks

"Sure that sounds fun, it's Croatia right?"

"Yeah, let's place our bets. How many times is Paul going to forget I'm half Croatian that's why it's a big deal to me" she jokes and walk over to desk

"He will ask every ten seconds I'm calling it" I laugh as she smiles

"But Leo? Are you finally official?" I ask

"Yeah, he asked me last night." She answers

"Well joy, its only been 4 months" I laugh as she stands up to grab her coffee from the table

My first meeting with Charles was in 5 minutes and Freya was waiting with Samantha

I was wrapping up a call from with a representative from a client we sell to and to say I was frustrated with the person on the other end was an understatement

Freya had texted me to tell me Charles was in the office ready to begin to which I told her to give me 5 minutes

"I have literally no use for this information!" I yell into the phone at the representative

"I don't know what you want me to do, this is in the contract our two companies signed and just because you don't understand it doesn't mean you can back out" he says with annoyance clear in his tone

"Let me tell you something Ralph, I'm not backing out if anything and I'm well aware of the contract ALFA signed because I'm not an idiot. I'm not confused either so don't start me with that, I'm trying to help with your companies campaigns and I need legitimate business information and you are giving me the opposite. And had you actually read the contract you would be well aware that without legally binding documents and statements I can't do my job, which gets ALFA out of the agreement. So I'll give you to the end of tomorrow and if I don't have those documents by then, the agreement will go through" I bark into the phone and slam it down

God that's insufferable

I quickly get up and grab the papers I need and my pens and my laptop before standing up and walking out of my office across the hall to the reserved meeting room

Before turning the doorknob i take a deep breath and adjust my ring before turning the doorknob and entering the room

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