Chapter 38-but it's golden

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Daylight- Taylor Swift

Just one song for the short chapter, Enjoy!

"Hey,how are you" I asks Charles as I walk into my
apartment and he's leaning against the counter

"I'm good, you?" He asks giving me a slight hug

"I'm fine" I smile

"So what's up?" I ask placing my bag on one of my stools and walk to the fridge to get a water.

"Nothing much, i actually had nothing to do today so I've just been relaxing" he says

"I have not!" I laugh opening the water and taking a sip

"What's happening?" He asks

"We had a new sponsorship proposal come in, and it's exciting but I just feel like we are doing way to much this year, between meta, the Ferrari thing and this new one, I don't know how that will work. Also we still have other companies we are partners with. And we are our own business so we still have to do that but I don't know." I shrug

"What's the sponsorship?" He asks

"Paris Saint Germain, it's still just a proposal so I'm not to worried right now but I still have a bit of anxiety about it" I explain

"That is a pretty big deal, I hope it works out in your favor though. And still in a way your not swamped to the point you can't come to races anymore" he says

"Id balance it out regardless." I say

"Did you end up talking to Christian?" He asks

"Yeah, we talked when I was driving back. He apologized so we are good" I say

"That's good,but off that note. I e been asked to ask if you are coming to imola, and if not you is anyone you work with coming?" He asks

"I actually think none of us are going, Paul has to visit his half sister and dad in Paris that whole week. I'm conferenceimg that Friday and I'll have work to do that I miss the whole weekend so I'm sitting it out. I honestly just think Freya doesn't want to go and Samantha is going to cover something with meta in London that weekend" I say

"Alright I'll let Liv know when I get home." He says

"What's your weekend looking like?" He asks me

"Friday night I'm going out with Freya, Leo, and Paul. Christian plays Saturday morning at 10 so that's my morning. When that's over I might go run and call him while I do so. Then that night I'll probably just do some work and watch a movie. Sunday I'm going to watch AS Monaco play Marseille because Paul got me a ticket and that's early so the rest of the day I'll probably just hangout with him" I explain

"Sounds like a nice weekend" he says

"What about you?" I ask

"I'm going to a launch thing on Friday. For an APM Monaco collection, then I'm going to Maranello for sim practice and press stuff, anf I'll be back Monday morning0 he says

"That sounds way more fun, Paul has the racing set up so if the sim is anything like that I would give like all of my kidneys to do it and get paid" I laugh

"I mean they have like some sort of pro sim racing thing I think." He shrugs as I laugh

"Yeah sign me up" I say and grab my water and walk over to the couch and sit down turning on the golden state warriors game against the Lakers

"What are we watching?he asks comimg next to me a plopping down next to me

"NBA playoffs, I need golden state to pull through this year" I whine

"Do you just like every sport?" He asks

"I like American football, football, basketball, I like track, I guess I like formula one and I like hockey. But this is nothing compared to me during college football, man I have the most fun." I explain

"I have no idea what that is." He chuckles

"Well college, or I guess everyone calls it university here. And American football. The schools have teams and they play each other and it's really big at home." I explain to the best of my power

"Ah so like football here?" He asks

"Yeah, you could say that" I laugh

"Well who do you root for when that rolls around?" He asks

"University of Michigan, my dad went there. And UCLA, I went there. My mom went to university of Miami and they suck. So I don't feel the need to support their football team" I shrug

"I'm telling you it goes in one ear and out the other" he chuckles

"It's okay, at least your cute" I chuckle

"No no, I'm learning we just have to stay consistent and I'll get it."he laughs as I nod

"Consistency is key, look at us now. We are friends!" I joke as he rolls his eyes

"Now why is it called football, it's with your hands. I will never understand that." He exclaims as I laugh

"I don't know, it's just right. But if it makes you feel better formula one is just formula one, no fancy name or anything. Except maybe just nascar, a lot of Americans call all Motorsports nascar." I laugh as he shakes his head

"What a great day to be Monegasque am I right?" He asks amd i slake my head

"I happen to love being American, thank you very much." I joke as he smiles

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