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I freeze as I sit in the bathroom stall. My hand that holds my vape trembles when I hear her voice.

"I know you're in there.." She says, her voice filling with dread.

"Go away, Regina."

"Just come out so we can talk."

I open the stall door and lean against the doorway, looking at Regina with tired eyes. "Now you want to talk?" I scoff. "You had all summer to talk to me, Regina."

"I wasn't allowed!" Regina's eyes fill with sadness. "My parents, they.. they would kill me if they-"

"Knew you were gay?" I cut her off.

"Elle.." She tries walking toward me but I take a few steps back, keeping the distance between us. "I told them over the summer that I'm bi. They know now."

"That doesn't fix what happened." I say softly. "I was so hurt that day at Gretchen's house. You told me they knew about us, Regina.. You told me."

"I know, Elle.. I.." Her eyes fill with tears. She knows that she can't fix what's happened. "Please.."

I huff and shake my head, "Don't cry, Regina.."

Her hands quickly wipe away her tears. "Elle, I'm sorry. I was going to tell them, I swear.. I just couldn't find the right time and-"

"Was six months not enough time?"

Her hands shake as she tries to stay calm. "They know now, Elle!" She shouts. "I told them! I told them about everything we had!"

"Regina, stop.."

She's crying now as she yells at me. "I told them that I loved you, Elle! I fucking told them! Okay!?"

"Okay!" I shout back. "Okay."

I sigh and so does she. I don't know what to do in this situation. She hasn't spoken to me all summer and now she decides to tell me that she told her parents she's gay?

"I have to go." I say as I quickly take another hit of my vape and begin stuffing it into my bag.

"Elle, come on.." She grabs my hand as I try walking out of the bathroom. I bite my tongue as I try to hold back my emotions. "Just talk to me.. we- we don't have to yell, I promise.."

"I'm going to be late for class." Is all I manage to say before pulling my arm out of her grasp and walking out of the bathroom without looking back.

As the door shuts behind me, I can hear Regina break down. I stand there for a moment and nearly go back in to comfort her.. but I need to move on.

I go to my next class and quickly take a seat. It's an AP English course that seniors would normally take, but I convinced the school to let me take it.

Janis took the class with me after I begged her to not leave me alone, so she quickly sits in the desk beside mine before anyone else takes it.

The late bell rings just as the blonde walks into the classroom, clutching her books to her chest. Her eyes are red from crying and her hands are trembling.

"Miss George, you're late." Our teacher says sternly. "Find a seat, please."

Regina looks around for a moment, refusing to even look at me.. but then we both notice that the only empty desk is the one right in front of mine. She visibly gulps and takes her seat, I hear Janis swear to herself.

"Alright, let's get started!"

This is about to be a very long year.


"How was school, girls?" My mom asks as we sit around the dining room table.

I sigh, not wanting to answer, so Cady begins talking. "Today was pretty good, mom. Lunch was a little awkward because of Elle and Regina but-"

"Why was it awkward?" I speak up with a scowl on my face. "Nothing even happened. It's not my fault you decide to be two faced."

"I am not two faced." Cady argues back.

"Really? So supporting me but then going behind my back and playing victim to Regina isn't two faced?"

"Fuck you."

"Girls!" My mom shouts. "That's enough! Elle, I understand that you're still upset about your breakup but please don't take it out on your sister."

"She's the one that started it!" I shout in defense.

"Elle, go to your room." She says.

"Mom, that's not fair!"

"Don't talk back to me, young lady. Go up to your bedroom." She gives me a glare.

I slam my fork on the table and stand up with tears in my eyes. "Why do you always take her side!? I'm your daughter too, mom!"

"Elle-" Before she has the chance to explain herself, I'm already going up to my bedroom.

I curl up into a hall on my bed as tears flood my eyes.

why is everything falling apart?

First, my relationship ends. Second, my grades drop. And third, I can hardly talk to my family anymore.

I grab my phone and start dialing the number of the only person who can help me calm down at the moment, I don't care if she's mad at me.

"Elle?" She picks up after the first ring.

"Regina.. I'm so sorry.." I weep into the phone, I can't speak properly.

"Elle.." Her tone is soft. "What's wrong, sweet girl?"

I sniffle. "I.. I miss you so much.. and everything is falling apart.." I cry. "I can't do this anymore.. I don't know what to do.."

Regina sighs after hearing me cry my heart out over the phone. I weep helplessly, it hurts so bad. "Where are you, Elle?"

"Home.." I sniffle and wipe my eyes.

"I'll be there in ten minutes, okay?"

"Okay.." I wipe my eyes again. "Thank you, Regina.."

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