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It's the day before winter break which means it's the day of the talent show. The plastics are doing their usual routine of "Rocking Around The Pole" with the addition of Cady.

Cady has been spying on the plastics for the past four months and hasn't found out anything interesting. Except for the fact that Karen has over ten bodies, thank Gretchen for that information.

So here I am sitting in the audience beside my mother and Janis. My mom absolutely loves Janis and Damien, she's glad I found friends like them.

Right now Damien is on the stage reciting the ICarly theme song in full french. When he's done, Janis and I cheer at the tops of our lungs for him.

Next up, the Plastics (and Cady) come up on stage wearing red cropped shirts and matching red skirts. The santa hats really pull off their outfits.

Damien shouts, "Thank you, next!" As the music begins.

I try to focus on my sister, since I'm here to support her, but my eyes keep drifting to Regina.

She looks ethereal in her costume. Her hair, her eyes, her thighs.

I blink my eyes and shake my head, turning my attention back to my older sister. My mom watches with a wince, trying to ignore the choreography and costumes and just focus on Cady.

Suddenly my eyes lock with Regina's and I lose all the breath in my lungs. She keeps eye contact with me as her arms raise into the air and she slowly goes down onto her knees.

I gulp and look up at the ceiling. What the fuck was that.

My attention is turned back to the stage when I hear a loud noise. I gasp and stand up, just like Janis and my mom, when Regina is laying on the stage and the girls are standing there in shock.

Regina looks around in embarrassment. Janis and Damien burst into laughter but I can't help to feel bad for her.

I excuse myself as they all run off stage. I go find Cady and grab her arm, "What happened?"

"Regina refused to practice the choreography before going on stage." She shrugs. "It's her fault that she fell while doing the handstand."

I huff, "Where is she?"

"Why do you care?"

"I.. I don't. I just want to make sure she's okay." I rub my arm nervously.

"She's fine, just embarrassed. I mean, I would be too." I tune her out when I spot Regina run into a nearby dressing room. "Hey, where are you going?" Cady asks as I follow Regina.

I knock on the door and open it when she asks who it is. She's crying.

"Elle?" Our eyes lock through the mirror as she tries her hardest to touch up her makeup. Her cheeks burn red in embarrassment.

"Hey, George." I offer her a reassuring grin but she frowns and sniffles. "What happened out there?"

She huffs and grabs a tissue. "I um.. I got distracted and couldn't focus.." She dryly laughs. "I'm fucking stupid, Elle."

"No you're not." I take a seat beside her and grab a tissue, gently turning her head so she looks at me. I gently dab underneath her eyes, fixing her mascara. "You did amazing out there, Regina. Don't call yourself stupid."

"I should've rehearsed the choreography with the girls. I just embarrassed everyone." Her eyes fill with tears once again.

"Regina stop." She pouts. "Look at me." I gently touch her chin, bringing her to look back at me. "You did so good out there and you looked beautiful on that stage." I use the tissue to wipe away her tears. "Don't blame yourself for something you couldn't control."

We look into each other's eyes. I smile softly at her and she does the same to me. "Thank you." She mumbles.

I nod and pull her into a hug. "Of course."

Our moment gets interrupted when Gretchen, Karen, and Cady enter the dressing room. I pull away from Regina and give her a reassuring grin.

"What's going on in here?" Cady says with a raised eyebrow, giving me a warning look.

"Nothing. Elle was just leaving." Regina says in a dry tone. She's back to her usual self.

"Yeah, I was leaving. You guys did great out there." I compliment the girls before exiting the dressing room.

Before I get too far, I am pulled off to the side by Gretchen.

"Elle." She says with a huff. "You and Regina are.. getting closer. Cady told us about you and I just want you to know that Regina isn't like that."

I raise my eyebrow in confusion. "Like.. what?"

"She's not gay." Gretchen explains. "I just don't want you getting your hopes up just to get heartbroken. And since we are kind of friends, it's like the rules of feminism!" She smiles sweetly but I roll my eyes. "I'm just trying to protect you, Elle."

"I appreciate your concern, Gretchen, but I don't have a crush on Regina."


"Janis, SOS." I call her later that night. "I think I have a crush on Regina George."

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