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Regina's POV~

I left Cady's party after I ran into her younger sister, Elle. I don't know what it is about her but I can't be around the girl for more than ten minutes without feeling overwhelmed.

So here I am sitting in a small diner on the other side of town. Nobody really knows about this place so I come here to get away. To breathe.

"Hi, can I get a medium iced vanilla coffee-" That Voice.

I look up and find the brunette ordering breakfast at the front counter. I gulp and look down at my phone, not knowing what to do. I come here to hide from the people I know.. and now I've ran into the one person I hate talking to.

"Thank you." She says in a higher tone than she usually has. When she goes to sit down, she sits right in front of me in the booth. "Crazy running into you here."

"What do you think you're doing?" Is the first thing to leave my mouth. "There's other tables."

"I know." Is all she says as she unloads her little doggy bag. She sets a blueberry muffin in front of me with a shrug.

"What is this?" I ask, trying to sound a little nicer but it comes out ignorant. I sigh.

"A muffin, Regina. It's for you."

"Why?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "Is it poisoned?"

"It's a muffin. I don't know how I would have enough time to poison it within the time span of me walking over here." She grins and takes a bit of her own muffin.

I hesitate, struggling to find my appetite. "How many calories are in it?"

Elle looks at me and her gaze softens. "That doesn't matter." Is all she says, pushing the muffin closer to me. I huff and tear a small piece of the muffin off, putting it in my mouth.

I hum in approval at how good it tastes. Elle smirks and nods in agreement.

We sit and eat in silence, not caring to talk to one another. I also refuse to look at her, noticing that if I keep my eyes away from hers, I don't feel as overwhelmed as I usually do around her.

I don't know what it is. I just can't stand being around her. I think.

"How was the party?" She suddenly asks, slouching in her seat.

I glance at her and shrug, "Just like any other party."

Elle nods, cracking her knuckles. "I never liked parties. I mean.. I've only been to one. It's just not my scene."

I nod in agreement. I usually don't like parties either, I just go to keep up with my status. I don't know why people declared me as their queen bee. I'd much rather be like anyone else.

I am brought out of my thoughts when Elle clears her throat and pulls herself out of the booth. "Well, I told Cady I would be home by now. It was nice running into you, Regina."

"You too, Elle." I grin.

"Maybe we could do this on purpose sometime?" She says with a sweet smile.

I nod. "That would be fun. I'll see you around, Heron."

"See you, George." She smirks and winks at me, waving a sweet goodbye as she exits the diner.

I take in a deep breath, feeling like I can finally breathe now that she is gone. What is it about that girl that makes me feel so.. normal. She treats me like an actual person, not some celebrity.

I sigh. What is happening to me?

Elle's POV~

I leave the diner and find myself smiling on the way home. I don't know why, maybe it's because I actually got to see Regina George acting human and not like a stuck up celebrity.

Or maybe it's because of how normal she looked. She was wearing sweats with her hair in a messy ponytail without any makeup on.

Or maybe it's because she looked so beautiful in there. She looked like a real person. She looked so pretty.


Stop thinking about Regina George.

I shake the thoughts from my head and focus on the road, biting my lips to stop smiling.

We agreed to hangout again. On purpose.

The smile is back.

Fucking hell. Stop. We're talking about Regina George.

I pull into my driveway and groan.

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