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"It's been nice catching up!" Shane O'man says, standing up from his chair and picking up his empty takeout box. "I'll see you around Regina. Nice meeting you Ellie."

"It's Elle." I say with a stern voice. Shane just nods and walks away.

"I haven't seen him since the day of my accident, it was nice talking to him again." Regina says as she finishes her small box of fries.

"Yeah." I say blandly, leaning back in my chair and twisting my rings around my fingers.

"What's wrong? Didn't you think he was nice?"

"Oh he was super nice. I really like the way he repetitively flirted with you right in front of me. Not to mention he kept calling me Ellie. He was so sweet!" I roll my eyes and continue twisting my rings around my fingers.

Regina lowers her eyebrows, "He wasn't flirting with me."

"Oh right, because you were flirting with him. Sorry." I shake my head.

"I wasn't flirting with him either, Elle. I'm sorry it seemed like that but I wouldn't do that to you." Regina apologizes. "He's an old friend."

"Old friend that you used to hookup with in the janitors closet. Not to mention, while you were dating Aaron Samuels."

Regina scoffs and grabs her jacket and purse. "Whatever, be mad at me. I didn't flirt with Shane O'man and yes, I cheated on Aaron once but I deeply regret it and I'd never do that to you." She stands up from her chair. "Call me when you're done pouting so I can drive you home."

Regina walks away. I huff and shake my head, i'm so stupid. I trust that girl with my life, there's no way she'd be cheating on me.. especially right in front of me.

But I give us space for around ten minutes before I dial her number. "I'm sorry." Is the first thing I say when she answers.

"Don't say that. Where are you?"

"Still at the food court."

"I'll come find you so I can take you home." Then she hangs up. I remain sitting at the table until she eventually finds me and we go out to her Jeep.

We drive in complete silence, not even the radio is on. I don't know what to say until Regina turns onto a side road that leads to an empty field. The sun is going to be setting, my curfew is soon. What is she doing?

"Where are we-"

"Just wait." She cuts me off, pulling into the middle of the grass field and parking the car.

I unbuckle my seatbelt when she climbs into the backseat, "Come here." and I follow. She wraps a blanket around us before pressing a button to open the roof. "We never went on a real date yet so.. consider this our first."

"Aw Regina.." I peck her lips gently and grin, looking up into the sky as the stars slowly begin to shine. "This is perfect."

"I knew you'd like it." She grins and cuddles against me as we lay together in the backseat. "Elle.."


Regina lifts her head and looks at me, biting her bottom lip nervously. She touches my face gently.
"I love you."

As soon as the words leave her lips, I begin to smile. I cup her face in my hands and nod, "I love you too."

Our smiles meet in a loving kiss. It's soft and slow and sweet until I feel her hand unbutton my jeans. I pull away and look at her as she unzips them and slips her hand in. I grin and pull her back into my lips.

Around five minutes later, a flashlight is shining on us and a police officer stands beside the Jeep. He clears his throat and turns around as Regina and I pull away from each other.

"Are you ladies aware you're on private property?" He asks, shining the flashlight back on us.

"No.. We didn't know that.." I mumble. "Did you know that?"

"No, I come here all the time officer. There must be some mistake." Regina says with a plead.

"Hm.. well this is the only complaint i've gotten. Is this your vehicle?" The officer asks Regina, she nods. "Do you have your license and registration?"

Regina pulls everything out of her glovebox and hands it to him. He nods as he looks through it.

"How old are you girls?"

"Seventeen." Regina says. "And.. sixteen." She motions to me.

"Alright, I'll let you girls off with a warning.. But i'll have to give your parents a call since you're both underaged."

I sigh. Great.

"Don't let me catch you again."

"Promise, thank you sir." I say, climbing into the drivers seat. Regina thanks him as I drive away.

"Private property my fucking ass. I've been there multiple times." Regina scoffs. "I'm sorry that I-"

"Don't apologize." I shake my head, "Want to come back to my place?"

"Sure!" Regina kisses my cheek and turns on the radio.


hey it's me! i know i've been robbing you guys but i'm not comfortable writing smut scenes in this specific book, especially since the characters are minors!

keep in mind, Regina is 17 and Elle is 16.

this book won't have any smut, just a lot of build up. i'm sorry!

but don't fret, my next book is going to be about Leighton Murray (the sex lives of college girls) and will have plenty scenes to make up for the lack in this book.

much love -Molly <3

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