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Everyone has been turning against Regina lately. Ever since she's gained a few pounds from those Kälteen bars that Cady has been giving her, trying to take over her fame and popularity, nobody has been treating her the same.

So now everyone goes silent in the cafeteria as Regina walks in wearing sweats on a Wednesday.

Heaven forbid a woman can wear what she wants.

I watch the interaction between Regina, the plastics, and Cady. Cady is sitting where Regina usually is with her legs crossed and hair curled on her shoulders. She's wearing a pink skirt with a white blouse, looking as plastic as ever.

"I'm sorry Regina, you can't sit with us!" Gretchen says as Regina stands there holding her tray of food that she probably wasn't planning on eating anyways.

Cady told her that the Kälteen bars would make her lose weight so those are the only thing she has been eating for the past week.

"What?" Regina says with a sarcastic laugh.

"It's Wednesday. We only wear sweats on Fridays!" She explains. "You can't sit with us!"

Regina frowns and looks down at herself, "Sweats are the only thing that fit me right now." She says quietly but it's easy to hear since the entire cafeteria is completely silent, watching the interaction.

A few seconds pass before Karen speaks up. "What do you think Cady?"

My sister turns around with a smirk, trying to play it off as feeling sorry but I'm positive her heart is racing with thrill, finally getting what she wanted after all this time.

"I'm so sorry Regina.. but rules are rules."

Fucking Bitch.

Regina scoffs and shakes her head. "Whatever." She sets her tray down on their table and begins walking away. "Take a picture losers, it'll last longer." And just like that, everyone takes out their phones as Regina walks out of the cafeteria.

"Okay, I might not like Regina George, but that was a bitchy move. Even for Cady." Janis says as she stabs her food with her plastic fork.

"I.." I stand up and grab my bag, "I have to go.."

"Elle-" Damien tries to stop me but I'm already too far gone.

I follow where Regina went and find her in the janitor's closet, crying her poor heart out.

I don't say anything. I just drop my bag to the floor and shut the door behind me, getting down on my knees beside her and pulling her against me.

She doesn't fight me like she normally would, she just accepts my embrace. She's shaking.

"I got you." Is all I say. I keep repeating it as I rub my hand up and down her back, trying my best to soothe her.

"Everything is ruined.." She sniffles. "My friends are turning against me and I.. I don't even know who I am anymore.." She clings to me, balling my tshirt in her hand as her tears dampen it.

"I know who you are." I take her face into my hands and wipe her tears with my thumbs. "You're Regina George. You're the smartest, prettiest girl I've ever met.. you just don't let anyone see the real you." I give her a reassuring grin as I see her begin to calm down. "I got you, Regina. I'm here."

She gulps and pulls my hands off of her face. I don't even get to form a thought before she walks out of the closet and leaves me alone in there.

What the hell was that?


Later that day, I decided to finally do the one thing I have been dreading since middle school. I'm going to come out to my mother.

Cady is out with Gretchen and Karen, she said she hasn't heard a word from Regina since lunch. Neither have I.

"Mom, can we talk?" I sit at the kitchen table beside her as she reads through her magazine.

"Of course honey, what's going on?" She asks and looks at me.

"I um.." I clear my throat and reach for her hand. "Promise me you won't think any different of me after this.. I'm still your little girl, mom, and I still love you so much."

I don't even notice I'm crying until my mom wipes my tears away. "Sweetheart, I'll always love you. What's wrong, Elle?"

I squeeze my eyes shut as my heart races. "Mom.. I'm gay." I look at her.

My mom smiles softly and says nothing as she hugs me tightly. I cry against her chest. "Oh Elle.. That's okay! How long have you known?"

"Middle school." I pull away from the hug and nervously laugh. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I was scared.. I didn't want to disappoint you."

"You could never disappoint me, Elle." She kisses my forehead. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, mom."

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