I smiled, saying, "I keep saying you are my home, but you know what is home according to me?" He nodded. "I know, but I will be very happy to hear it from you," he said.

I continued, "When home is a person, you never feel alone or out of place Aan. As long as you have them, you are where you're meant to be."

"Nothing seems too intimidating when you have their support to back you up through all of life's inevitable twists and turns. When home is a person, it doesn't matter where you come from or what you've been through."

"Home is where you are loved wholly and unconditionally, without barriers, restrictions, judgments, or expectations. Home is where you are most comfortable being your absolute self, where you are treasured and celebrated for the unique flaws and quirks that make you authentically you."

"When you find the right person, you settle in. You call them home. You are my home, Aan, and I lobe you the most."

He hugged me, saying, "We are each other's home, angel." Butterflies swirled in my stomach; I love it whenever he calls me that.

He continued, "You know when I asked you to find me in every lifetime of yours, I was happy that you promised me because I don't know what I would have done without you here. No matter in what universe we are in, no matter what lifetime we are in, I need you by my side so that I can win any battle life throws at me, Vie. I need you with me all the time, nothing else."

I kissed him on the cheek and said, "I love hearing you speak, Aan. Come on, say something."

He laughed, and damn, his laugh is addictive to me. He said, "The first awakening of eyelids in the morning is you Vie. The heartbeat sound in my handful-sized heart is you."

"Just calling out your name is an addictive habit on my lips. My heart is going crazy with your thoughts. It's all yours now and ain't listening to me anymore."

"That supreme divinity has told me long back, that your small smile is a valuable boon. My life is telling you now, I am not there without you."

"In this room-size heart of mine... how can I hide my ocean of love for you? A single step distance... if you move away, I cannot guarantee that my breath will still be there, Vie; because you're my oxygen."

I blinked away my tears, laughing, as I snuggled close to him and kissed him on his chest where his heart resides, and said, "I am not going anywhere, Aan. I will be with you forever, not only now, but in every universe, in every lifetime. I am always yours." He nodded, holding me close. We stayed like that for god knows how long.

Eventually, Aan pulled away and asked, "Vie, for suppose if Maan suddenly appears here in front of you, will you leave me for him?"

I laughed so hard, "What the heck? Are you crazy, Aan?" I asked. He said, "Well, you love Maan more than me, right?"

I cupped his face and said, "Aan, it's true that I love him more, but that doesn't mean I love you any less. I love you as much as I love him."

"It's just that I am grateful for him for asking me to spend every lifetime with you, Aan because of his request, we are here now, right?"

"And also, Maan belongs to Adhya just like you belong to me, Aan. Though even if we travel lifetimes, I still choose you over Maan because Maan has Adhya, and you will have me."

His eyes sparkled as he kissed me all over my face, making me giggle. He said, "You don't know how much I wanted to hear that, Vie. I lobe you more."

"Aan, how did you find me? I mean how did you even know that it was me? And how in the hell did you end up kissing me in the first meet itself?" I asked.

He laughed as he stood up and went to the same spot where I stood when we first met. He turned around, and I closed my eyes, letting the memories flood back.

He said, "That day, I just completed a meeting near that bar and came out to take some fresh air. The gentle breeze brushed against my skin, carrying with it the same intoxicating scent that drew me to you."

I opened my eyes, looking at him, as he continued, "Do you remember? This is where I first saw you, capturing the beauty of the Eiffel Tower with your camera."

I nodded, a faint smile playing on my lips. Of course, how could I forget? I remember it as clearly as if it just happened yesterday.

He said, "You looked so graceful, so mesmerising, Vie. Your passion was evident in every click of the shutter." I blushed, seeing a slight twinkle in his eyes as he said, "That blush. It's still as endearing as the first time I saw it. At that time, I was thinking, 'Is she feeling the same pull as I am?'"

Then, he walked a few steps, saying, "And then, when our eyes met, everything else faded away. It was just you and me, in that moment."

He then took another step closer, gently cupping my face. He said, "Your eyes, they held a depth that I couldn't look away from Vie. And when I saw the tears welling up in your pretty eyes, all I wanted to do was protect you." I leaned into his touch, a soft sigh escaping my lips.

He continued, his eyes filled with love, "Just like this, you leaned into my hand, and I was thinking, 'She trusts me. She's letting me in. Maybe, just maybe, there's a chance for us.'

"You're like a dream, a vision of elegance and grace that I couldn't resist coming to you, Vie.'" I met his gaze, seeing a mix of emotions reflected in his eyes.

He said, "At that time, the only thought I had was, 'Is she feeling it too? That unspoken connection that draws us together? Only time will tell. But for now, in this moment, I'll cherish every second with her.'"

He then said, "And now look where we are," placing his palm on my stomach. I smiled as he leaned in to kiss me, just like the first time.

This time, the kiss was not that soft; he dominated me and kissed the life out of me. When he pulled out, I was panting so hard, and so was he.

He pressed his forehead against mine and asked with a teasing tone, "And this time you didn't run away?" I laughed, leaning in more and pressed a soft kiss on his lips, saying, "Never running away again."

We both looked into each other's eyes, and like every single time, I was lost in the depth of his eyes.

He said, "I lobe you, Vie."

I smiled happily saying "I too lobe you, Aan."

I'm glad that I found him.

I am glad that I found my home, my other half, my soulmate, my bestfriend, my love, my husband,
My Maan, My Aan!

Also, I am glad that I am his angel, His Vie.


As the architect of this tale, I am profoundly moved by the connection we've forged through these characters. We've laughed, cried, and rejoiced alongside them, breathing life into every chapter. Surpassing 500k views is a milestone we achieved together, and I couldn't have done it without your dedication.

Completing this book has been a rollercoaster of emotions, taking me through highs and lows over the course of 3 months and 10 days. As I bid farewell to this story and its characters, I can't help but feel a sense of bittersweet nostalgia.

Though "His Vie" may be coming to an end, our journey together is far from over. As we close this chapter, I invite you to carry the memories we've made into the next adventure.

Stay tuned for the epilogue and bonus chapters in the upcoming days. And if you haven't already, don't forget to follow me on Instagram at (vencie_wrts) for more updates of new book.

With a heavy heart,


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