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Melody's pov

It had been about two hours since we had settled into our hotel sweet. We split rooms into two since isa and Aurora were comfortable with sleeping in the same room.

Our hotel room had glass windows everywhere, a nice view of the Bahamas right next to our mini living room that had an open kitchen with a nice marble counter.

I walked into the bedroom that had a nice dark aesthetic to it, with a king sized bed and black silky sheets and covers.

I flopped on the bed as I let out a huge grown "romannnn" I sighed. "Yes love?" he responded, sitting up. "You said we could get food when we settle in!" I complained as my stomach growled. "I know honey, my baby needs some food?" He cooed. I nodded in response.

"Alright then.. find a nice place you'd like to eat out, I'll text Aurora to get ready" he said, standing up gathering his belongings.

After waiting what felt like decades, everyone was leaving the hotel rooms for a nice dinner.
We all were standing in front of the elevator as the door opened with a quiet 'ding' . As the doors opened, a man stood there, a nice black suit. As he walked out, he gave us a warm smile and winked towards me.

I gave him a small wave back before my hand was quickly pulled away by Roman. I rolled my eyes at his foolishness before I herd him speak "your eyes are going to get stuck"

I mumbled under my breath, "I don't ca-" I was quickly cut off by the deeper voice once again, "what is your problem?" He said. Aurora and isa watching from the other side of the elevator. "You" I said quickly. "I've done nothing" he said, spitting my attitude back out at me.

"Yes you have, you keep-" I was interrupted once again 'ding' the elevator doors began to open, Roman slightly pushed me forward as we all began to evacuate the elevator.

As we walked to the black truck, I could hear aurora asking Roman what had happened between me and him, and he just said he was as confused as her.

As we made it to the car, there were already two guards standing on each side of the car, with the back doors open, I decided to sit farthest from Roman.

I'm tired of being treated like a child. I thought to myself. He literally babies me anywhere I go. I'm tired of it.. he literally calls me his sleepy baby. That's some shit you'd say to your daughter. I felt anger rise inside of me, but I still kept my calm.

We had just pulled in front of the luxury restaurant, everyone had gotten out the car except Roman. He had told Aurora and isa to get us a table while he took a phone call.

All three of us walked into the restaurant, chandleries hung from the ceiling as a worker took our coats, and lead us to our designated table.

The menu was very.. exspensive. I look up at aurora as she was still focused on her menu, "what is it dear?" She asked, without lifting her head. "Um, this is a lot of money we're spending" I say. "Yes, me and Roman are splitting the bill, don't you worry. This is nothing" she said, "order what you want"

I began to scan the menu. I felt the chair next to me move as Roman appeared next to me. I gave him a slight glare before focusing back into the menu.

"Hello, my name is Kennedy, I will be your server today. Are you ready to order?" She asked, with a soft smile.

"Yes, I would like a.." Aurora trailed off as everyone started ordering, soon it was me. "And for you, ma'am?" She asked. As I was speaking up to take my order, someone else decided to do the honors "she'll have a water" I heard Roman say.

The woman took our orders, and left off. I let out a loud huff as I let off the steam I had been holding since Roman had token my order.

"What is it now?" I heard roman sigh. I ignored him, trying to keep my temper down. "Mel?" He asked. Aurora and isa sat watching the scene unfold, once again.

"Melody." He said in a more intense and serious voice. I stood my ground, continuing to ignore him.

Before I knew it, Roman had quickly stood up, grabbing my wrist and dragging me to the unisex bathroom.

"What the hell is your problem?" He said, pushing me into the corner. At this point, I'm not going to lie. I was scared.

Roman's eyes flickered red as his face scrunched up. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" He growled, his voice getting slightly louder as his hand forced my face up, facing his, that stood inches above mine.

I turned my head facing the opposite direction, tears began to form in my eyes. My voice shaking as I spoke, "you keep treating me like I'm a child. And I'm not a child!" I gritted through my teeth, I lifted my hand to hit his chest as hard as I possibly could. Only for him to not move a muscle.

Roman's eyes melted as his thick arched eyebrows began to knit together. His arm locks against my waist, as he pulled me close. "I'm sorry Mel, if it was just that you could've asked me to stop. I just like babying you." He confessed. Pushing the hairs out my face. "You're messing up your makeup.." he said, handing me a handkerchief to wiped my eyes.

"I think I'm just hangry.. I'm sorry" i whispered, "no your fine, beautiful" he reassured. "Let's go" he said grabbing my hand, walking me out the bathroom.

As we walked to the table, to my luck, the food sat on the table, ready to be ate. "Hope you guys don't mind.. I ordered for you!" Aurora chuckled.

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