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Melody's pov

I watched as Roman walked out the room. "He won't hurt you. Though he is dangerous, I highly doubt he would ever hurt you." She tried to explain. "If he wanted to hurt you, he would've done it a while ago. I promise, he wants nothing more than protecting you" I tried to observe her words.

It did make sense, if he really wanted to hurt me, he would have. I thought to myself.

"What about Marco?! HE DID NOTHING WRONG!" I raised my voice. "Melody, please calm down.. I have no idea why Roman would hurt Marco, but I'm sure it was reasonable. Maybe you should talk to him?" She suggested. "There's no reason anyone should be killed, but I will try and understand" I said, my voice cracking as tears rose from my eyes.

I watched as aurora walked out of the room after nodding.


I still sat in the bed, hours later. Only thoughts of my own lingering in my head.

At least they were, before I was interrupted. "Mel?" I heard a deep familiar voice call out. It was Roman, "ready to talk?" He asked, I nodded in response.

I heard him let out a big sigh before sitting on the edge of the bed. "Why did your hurt him" I said, tears already threatening to fall from my eyes.

"It's a long story" he began, "Marco use to be my best friend in high school, and he had a a pretty big liking to you, I think you know that though." He said referring to how Marco bad confesses to me before.

"He would talk about you so sweetly, and from how he described you I had began to have feelings for you too, though I didn't even know you." He said before being interrupted

"so this is out of jealousy?!" I asked.

"No. Let me finish Mel." He glared at me before continuing, "years went by, and things happened between our family that pulled us apart. The night of the event, I saw him eyeing you down. I went to just have a small talk with him but it escalated. It started off as me walking up to him, but he tried to run from me, so when I caught up I asked him what his problem was, he tried to claim you as his, knowing DAMN WELL, you were already mine." I could hear the fire lighting in him as he spoke.

"I was already upset from the beginning, but it started to get rough when he started talking sexual about you." He took a breath.

"I'm not going to lie, I did throw the first punch, and it got worse when he hit me back. I was going to leave it at just a fight, until he basically called me a pussy. And I don't take no shit from peasants" he explained.

"And you think that's a reason to kill someone's?!" I yelled at him.
"Lower your tone.. I know you're upset, but I'd be damn before someone talks in any sexual way to you, definitely in my face and then carry on to talk about me." He said with a low growl. I flinched js at the aggressiveness in his voice.

His hand slowly sat on top of mine. "You mean the world to me. I'll do anything to protect you  and the amount of respect you get, even if it cost my life. I love you, okay?" He whispered.

I looked up at him. If I was in his shoes, as protective as he is... I would've done the same, maybe not have killed someone, but it would've ended in a fight but only out of anger. "Okay" I whispered.

As small smile formed on his face.

I quickly slapped it off his face with a question. "Okay but, your a monster?"

"Stop saying that." He said with an annoyed tone. "You read those vampire books, I'd expect you to know" as the words formed out of his mouth, my eyes widened. "No?.. they're not real" I nervously chuckled. Roman chuckled at me, it was low and it sounded like it was vibrating through his body. He flashed me a quick grin, his two sharp teeth growing.

I gasped, jumping back. "Baby, you're fine. It's just sharper teeth. They don't hurt, wanna feel?" He offered. I studied his face for a sign of danger.

He softly grabbed my hand before pressing my pointer finger on his pearly white, sharp tooth, my finger soon had a small dot of blood on it.

"It feels like a tooth" I said, dumbfound as I wiped the blood off of me. He gave me a teeth less smile.

"There's different types of vampires, and I happen to be one out of many lucky ones. I'm a royal vampire, if you haven't been able to tell from the big rooms, and the huge castle you've been staying at for weeks." He said with sarcasm.

"There's some who haunt just to kill, and those are the ones I'm going to try to keep you from. There's many more but we can talk about that another time. I'll get us some food" he said, before kissing my forehead and leaving.

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