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Roman's pov

My sensitive ears caught up with the chirping of the birds that stood outside my window. My version was blurry and heavy as my eyes opened.  I felt warmness surround my body, as I looked down at the girl who sat with her head on my chest. Coming to realization that it was Melody, I smiled at the thought of how far we had come in just little time.

I felt melody's body twist and turn after her heavy breaths got smooth. "Melody?" I whispered to her quietly. Her head looked up at me before I saw her face. She's so angelic. I thought to myself. 'Hmm?' She responded. "you okay love?" I tilted my head with the words that formed out of my mouth. She nodded in response, "can I go back home today?" She asked. "Of course, let's go down for breakfast, everyone should be eating by now. Then we can make our way to your apartment."  I explained, pulling the heavy blanket off her soft skin.

We headed down the spiral stairs into the other side of the house. Where my luxurious dining room was.

Curtains fell from the widows that held a beautiful view of the ginormous garden, along with three big chandeliers that hung over the long rectangular table.


There were four different people at the table, as we both walked in they all just stopped to stare. At the table sat, Roman's mother, father, sister, and some other man who looked a little older than Roman. The only one who looked happy to see us was aurora.

"Come on, ignore them" Roman whispered lowly, grabbing my hand and leading me to the table.

As we sat down, Roman's sister, aurora spoke up. "How are you feeling mel?" She asked,  a warm welcoming smile on her face.

"Better" I said quietly , still feeling uneasy about the tension at the table.

"Roman?" I heard a woman speak, I looked up to see Roman's mother speaking. "Are we going to talk about the elephant in the room?" She elaborated.

"Not now mother, we shall wait til our guests leave." He said, trying to avoid the conversation.
"Well I most certainly think, if you are going to bring a girl into the castle, you should talk to us about it, especially when she's..." Roman's mom paused for a second, looking me up and down. "A human." She finished off.

I heard Roman sigh before speaking up once again. "Mother, I shall not repeat myself again"

"And you shouldn't talk to your mother this way, have manners boy." A deeper voice spoke, Roman's father stared Roman dead in the eye.

The rest of the breakfasts was quiet, not even a peep from the mice let out. Once I had finished my food, Roman quickly stood up, grabbing my wrist and hurrying back to his room.

"I'm so sorry about that love, it's new for them to have someone who's not human in our home and it's even weirder whe-" I quickly cut him off with a quiet laugh, "I understand, silly. I didn't take it personally." I said with a smile on my face.

"Okay then, go get ready to go on back home." He said before throwing on a new pair of clothes.


Me and Roman had just gotten into his car, it was nice car ride as he explained parts of the village that was outside of the castle. There were decent homes and there were low priced homes that were made out of sticks.

He also explained, how being a Royale vampire worked. It was simple, just like any old fairytale. There's a king and queen that live in a beautiful castle with the prince and princesses, and they ruled the village, and hung, burned, even slaughtered people who had stolen, or had chosen to be in the wrong. Though that part did make my stomach turn.

Me and Roman went on and off on many subjects as we had our mini road trip.

Before I knew it, we were on the subject on isa. "So, what are you planning on telling isa?" He questioned. "I think she'll understand if you're there to visualize it. Like show her your teeth?"
He hummed in response. "And you promise she will not tell another soul.. you know what happens if she does right?" He asked. I hesitated, before nodding my head.

I can't risk isa... I thought to myself.

We pulled up in front of the apartment before parking, and walking up to the apartment door.

I gave it a loud knock, "ISA!" I yelled.

I heard feet shuffling around.. but it sounded like more than one person in the apartment.

Me and Roman looked up at each other with a confused look painted across our faces. The door swung open before we were met with a face that only made me and Roman gasp.

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