𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 27

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Umm I was not supposed to post this today coz along with Votes Comments are also decreasing, but anyways I'm not that stone hearted person! it's HOLI GUYSS!


Happy Reading💌



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"Aarav!" I heard someone calling me and felt a tap on my cheek.

I groggily opened my eyes to see Rhea standing in front of me, and then my gaze fell on my chest where Aarush was still sleeping, deeply.

"Let's go downstairs, dinner is ready. Give Aarush to me, I'll put him in his cot," Rhea said, and

She started to pick up Aarush, but I stopped her and said, "I'll put him to sleep, otherwise he might wake up." I said, and slowly got up, heading towards the cot.

I gently laid Aarush down in his baby cot. He stirred slightly before drifting back to sleep on his own. I covered him with a blanket, and Rhea turned on the baby monitor. As we were heading downstairs, I asked in between, "Um, will Aarush not eat dinner now?"

To this, Rhea gave a soft smile and said, "He already had his meal before you arrived. Now he won't wake up until around ten or eleven."

I suddenly felt guilty for being so caught up in my own pain and sorrow, unaware of the mistakes I had made. Rhea stayed up alone every night for Aarush, how difficult it must have been for her. And as for me, well, my own mistakes are unforgivable, but still, I'll try my best to correct them. I felt a pang of hurt in my heart.

As I watched Rhea leave the room, a wave of remorse washed over me. I couldn't shake off the feeling of letting her down, of not being there for her when she needed support. How many times had she silently carried the weight of our responsibilities alone?

It was a stark reminder of my own shortcomings as a father. I resolved to make amends, to be more present and supportive for Aarush, to provide for his needs and become the father he deserved.

As I sat there, grappling with my conflicting emotions, I couldn't shake off the weight of the past. Sneha still held a significant place in my heart, and her absence cast a shadow over everything. Despite her not being here with us, her memory lingered, intertwining with the present.

Rhea had entered into this marriage solely for Aarush's sake, a fact that both she and everyone else understood. Similarly, I had only agreed to this union at my mother's insistence, solely for Aarush's well-being.

But could I truly accept it? Was I capable of moving past the love I still held for Sneha? The thought tore at me, knowing that in the end, someone would inevitably get hurt. And I knew deep down that I wouldn't be able to bear that pain again. Never again.

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