𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 04

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Firstly A Very Happy Wala Diwali to all in Advance✨🪔

And secondly a big thank you to all for +2k in such a few days!🧿💟
Honestly I didn't expected it this soon😭🫂

Chapter 05 has already been uploaded on ScrollStack! </3
link in my bio👍🏻

!! Please read the note at the END !!

And don't forget the Precap<33

Happy Reading💌


As I stood there in the stark, dimly lit courtroom, my heart weighed heavy with the burden of the decision I was about to make

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

As I stood there in the stark, dimly lit courtroom, my heart weighed heavy with the burden of the decision I was about to make. Aarav, the man I was about to marry, didn't love me, and the feeling was mutual. Our impending marriage was nothing more than a union of convenience, a desperate measure in a desperate time. The situation I found Myself in was far from any romantic dream I had ever had about my wedding day. My marriage to Aarav was a union born out of necessity, not love.

The small courtroom was filled with an eerie silence, reflecting the tension that had filled the air since the moment I had agreed to this arrangement. I knew that I was marrying Aarav for a reason far greater than our own happiness, and that reason was the tiny, fragile soul that lay in his arms, his newborn son. And just by looking at Aarav, one could make out how much he is tolerating his son in his arms. Just because we are present in the courtroom telling the judge that he is his father, just for the sake of law.

The deep lines of pain etched into his face were a constant reminder of the tragedy that had brought them to this moment. He believed that the child she was about to take as her own, the one who had just lost his mother, was his wife's final gift to him. He was convinced that the strain of childbirth had taken her life, and he blamed himself for not being able to save her. Not that it was his fault, nor that anyone was at fault here. He did everything possible he could to save her, to save Sneha. He blamed himself for her death, believing that his presence in her life had somehow caused it. His guilt and grief had left him broken, and he had vowed to never love again. It was written in the destiny that this would happen.

And if this is written in my destiny I wholeheartedly embrace it to myself for the newborn.

As the judge began to recite the legal formalities of the marriage, my thoughts drifted to the heart-wrenching conversation I had with Aarav's mother, Savitri Aunty, who had pleaded with me to marry her son. She believed that my maternal instincts and love for the child could help heal Aarav's shattered soul and give the baby the mother he desperately needed. It's not a lie either ever since after Sneha's death it was me, Aunty and Sonu, who were taking care of the baby boy Aarush who was named as per Sneha's wish. She wanted her son to be named as Aarush.

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