𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 01

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Its been two and half months since I freed myself from that place. I am still staying in Singhania mansion as I have nowhere to go in this big city. Mumbai, at some point of life it used to be a dream city for me, to get a successful job and be independent. But now that same dream has turned into a nightmare for me. Never in my life I thought I would experience this kind of thing.

I started having panic attacks and nightmares after that day. Singhanias has also arranged a therapist for me and I am really restful from them. Though I still get panic attacks and nightmares even after everyday therapies which i have just completed today's session and now i am standing in the balcony of my assigned room.

I shiver even with the thought of it.

Now it has become a traumatic point in my life!

The Singhania family never let me feel lonely or remind me that I'm away from my family. My Family! I dont expect anything from my parents as my dad is no more and mom mom doesn't take me as her daughter. Its been sixteen years and I am now used to it, I don't blame her for this. The only one I am highly accepting is from my elder brother who is five years older than me, he is the only one I can call family.

But I guess as the days pass my hopes and also passing with them, its not like I Don't Like Singhanias. Even though I stayed for almost more than two months, I feel like a stranger here. I know it must be really difficult for Rishab Bhai there to find me, coming from a middle class family and the only one source of income being Bhai is not easy. I also dont blame him for it.

All Singhanias are very sweet, loving and caring to me except Him! And Him in sense the great Aarav Rai Singhania the CEO of Singhania Art! Savitri aunty his mother, Sneha his wife, Sonal his sister, and even his father Rakesh Singhania the chairman of his company is also so good to me. But not him, in these two months I didn't even talk with him to be exact.

I guess it's just ten words we spoke to each other here and there. Not to forget he is the one who saved me, he is my saviour and I will be forever and ever grateful for him.

For the world he is ruthless and cold but for his family he becomes just someone else. No one aside from the mansion has seen this side of him, but I have. The way he cares about his seven month old wife is really something different from the business world for him. Aarav is just a man of few words but also the man of his words.

Like now that I am standing in my balcony staring at the garden my eyes roamed at the men dressed in casual clothes but built bodys and straight faces. They are the guards! As I said I still get panic attacks. The guards were also one of the reasons. Them being big - tall, well built, scary guys in black attire, straight face and guns would always trigger my trauma whenever I used to see them around the mansion leading to panic attacks.

But when theri boss Mr. man with few words got to know, ordered each and every guard of the house to wear casual clothes, be friendly with me and hid the guns whenever I am near them. He does have a soft heart beneath the cold mask he wears for the world. And this i am not saying on my own it was Sneha who told me about the guards matter as how he was ordering someone on his phone the instructions when she came in their room tucking me to bed after I got my second panic attack in one day because of the guards. No one told him, he was doing it by himself and I am again grateful for this to him.

"Hey Rhea di," The cheerful voice made me turn back and only to find Sonal the energetic ball of this mansion coming towards me.

"Hello! Sonu, how was your day?" I asked her as she took a seat on the wooden chair of the balcony.

She huffed before responding, "Nothing eventful di, just boring lectures and extra classes" I laughed at that.

"I was the same as you back in college" I say.

Sonal is 20, now in last year of college doing majors in political science. She says her dream is to become a successful lawyer. Her attitude really reminds me of myself back then. Sonal was really the apple of eye for her brother and parents, completely opposite in my case.

"How was your therapy?"

I sighed, "same as always"

"Oh I forgot to tell you mom was looking for you and bhabhi for evening tea, I went to her room but she was in the washroom. I am going now so bring her with you, okay?" Sonal said and left my room.

This is now our daily routine after I'm done with my online therapy at 4 : 30, all the family have evening tea together except Aarav and Uncle Rakesh of course. Basically all girls, that's what Savitri aunty likes to call it in which I am newly added. Today my therapy went longer than usual.

Sneha's room is just opposite mine, she must be throwing up all thanks to her pregnancy. I walked out of my room to hers, the door was wide open and a water flowing sound from the bathroom was heard. I feel bad for her, its so difficult to carry a small human inside a human. I walked inside thinking not to disturb her as when I called she didn't respond and guess she didn't hear me.

I sat on bed but my eyes immediately landed on some papers laying on it. It looked like some kind of report, maybe the pregnancy ones. Deciding to arrange it properly as it was shattered on the bed I got up and took each paper one by one. As soon as I read one of them my face turned pale and the same moment the washroom door opened. Sneha stood there, her eyes red and swollen properly from crying.

Not knowing she gave me a small smile that was not the real one she uses everyday but a fake smile. Her smile dropped as her eyes landed on my hands and the papers I was holding.

"Careful '' I almost shouted as she came rushing and snatched the reports from my hand.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" She asked as she hurriedly folded the papers and stuffed it in a brown paper envelope.

"Does everyone know?" I asked in return my voice low but she didn't answer, "Does Aarav know?" I asked again, seeing her as she rounded the bed, opening one of the nightstand drawers and keeping the reports in it.

"Its evening te-tea time, mom must be waiting for us. Come le-lets go"

"Sneha!" I exclaimed, holding her lightly by shoulders as she was about to walk out.

My eyes roamed on her face, the glow she was having was now long lost. She was trying hard to keep her tears by herself but failed as I nodded her to tell me and she broke down. I made Sneha sit on bed as she cried clutching her seven month old belly. She shook her head answering me to the previous question.

I got up, walked to the door and closed it.

Its my time to be strong for Sneha when she was for me!






Heyyy peeps!!🙋🏻‍♀️
Hope you'll are doing well!! <3

Here's the 1st chapter of my New Book!!🎆

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