chapter 1

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Three months later…

I really should stop. It's not healthy, but it’s the only thing that keeps me semi-sane. She’s magnificent, so fucking young and innocent. Her golden, wavy hair tickles the top of her cleavage in the snug royal-blue V-neck, as she gracefully rounds the track. Jolene's grey eyes appear to focus on me and my testosterone levels skyrocket, even though I know she can’t see me. I’ve imagined taking her so many ways.

When she's on the track, I catch her. Pinning her arms and ripping those tight black shorts off that have taunted me time and time again.

When she’s in the coffee shop. I pull her into the restroom and fuck her from behind, bending her over the sink.

When she’s in class, I am the teacher, and she is the naughty student. I imagine lifting her skirt and spanking her until her cheeks are red. In my mind she likes it, begs for more.

In reality, she’s never seen me. Jolene Rivers doesn’t even know I exist.

If she did, there’s nothing to say she wouldn’t run for the hills at the sight of me. Sure, I’m handsome enough at first glance, but horns and fangs are not human qualities. They may be loved by a number of species, but humans don’t like different. Never have, never will.

After months of observation and plenty of cold showers. I’ve been so close to saying fuck it. So many times I’ve nearly thrown caution to the wind.

This moment is no different. The urge to touch her, taste her, explore every inch of her skin rides me hard, but I can’t. To do so would be a death sentence to both of us. I could kill her with my strength. Especially during sex. When it's hard for me to control myself, or my lifestyle would put her in jeopardy. Too many enemies on my radar.

Being a demon, you only get one true mate and if you lose her; the pain is so great, many off themselves just to stop the suffering. Like a gnawing ache, it eats at your body, mind, and soul. Day in and day out. The wolves are similar in this way. In fact, me and Grayson have many things in common. I used to tell him everything, but this I can’t.

She pops the cap off her bottle, downs half, and pours the wrest over her head. I watch, fascinated, as my horns begin to straighten.

Fuck! The phone buzzes, and I reluctantly catch it on the third ring.

“WHAT!” I answer with evident annoyance, keeping my focus on Jolene.

“Need your help, like now!”

Its Grayson. I can hear the unmistakable sound of fists hitting flesh in the background. If that wasn’t enough, His grunts are a good indicator. He needs my help.

“What about the girls?” I suggest.

Glass shatters in the background and Grayson chuckles.

“Rosa, Amanda, and Austin are all in faery. Some kind of faery court thing.”

I sigh, knowing damn well I have to leave.

“Elliot now! They called for backup, so teleport.”

I shoot her one last longing look, memorizing every detail until I can be near her again. I vaguely hear Grayson rattle off his location.

“Hold your horses, I’m coming.”

We make quick work of the rogues. My angst is a useful tool, every hit is balm to my soul. I’m angry, been angry since I found out my mate is human. The gods must not favor me to play such a twisted joke and I wonder what I’ve done to earn their ire. After we clear the place, I teleport directly to the dive Austin used to call a second home pre-Amanda. This place has become my regular watering hole. I drink until I’m numb. Unfortunately, the bartender is the only attractive female in the place. Which speaks multitudes of its integrity as a strip joint.

Bewitching Jolene (Book 3) Jacobs Broken Mercenaries Where stories live. Discover now