15 - Smells Like Rain

Start from the beginning

"Hey Rine, we have to go to our house first cause Chris is all alone." Jace told me. "I'll walk you home afterwards.

"Okay sure." I replied.

I closed my eyes. I felt so tired. Now that I think about it, alot of things happened today. I had to run around to find Jace. Even though I am an athlete, I'm not invincible.

I slid in and out of consciousness. I faintly heard Zylen say, "I think she's asleep. Should I wake her up?"

"Don't. Let her sleep. She must be tired." I heard Jace say. The I give in to the darkness.


"Hey. Rine. Wake up." I hear someone say.

I slowly open my eyes and see Jace. "We're here."

"Ohh okay." I replied and slowly stood up. I followed him into their house.

"Cathy!" Someone exclaimed.

I smile as I see Chris running towards me. He slammed into me and I almost lost my balance.

"Hey Chris." I said and ruffled his hair.

He lets go and said, "I want to show you something."

He grabs my hand and leads me to his room. The boys followed.

When I entered, I saw a small canvas, and in that canvas, a view of a beach was painted. The waves were beautiful and the sand was rough.

"Wow! You did this?" I asked, amazed.

"Yep." He beamed and smiled proudly.

"It's amazing." I told him. I look at the painting closely. It really does not look much. But for a boy his age to create something like this.

"Amazing." I smiled and tapped Chris' head.

"Looks like someone's stealing the boyfriend's spotlight." Chase grinned.

Jace's face was neutral, even smiling a little bit.

"Ohh shut up Chase." I laughed and punched his shoulder.

The boys laughed, but Chris just stood there dumbfounded.

We went downstairs and sat down on the sofa. The boys played uno and Chase was screaming, "Bloody traitor! How dare you draw a +4 on me?!" and threw a pillow to Zylen.

I chuckled. I checked my phone and I saw that it was already 5:45. I still have to prepare dinner since my parents and siblings will be home tonight.

"Got to go guys. Family dinner tonight." I told them.

"Ohh, say hi to you mom and dad for me." Chase said.

"Yeah sure." I replied and stood up. Jace stood up too.

"I'll walk you home." He said.

"You don't have too. Its only a few blocks away."

"Boyfriend duties." He laughed and salutes.

I giggled as we walked out of the door.

We began walking slowly. I still want to spend time with Jace, so I try to walk as slow as possible.

"You're stalling." He suddenly said.

"Excuse me?"

"You want us to spend more time together that's why you're walking slowly." He replied as if he read my mind. He smiled.

"You can't blame me for trying." I said and raised my hand in surrender.

He laughed and quicken his pace to catch up with mine.

Out of nowhere. A droplet of liquid fell on my nose.

"Yuck, your saliva hit me!" I exclaimed.

"I didn't even open my mouth." He replied.

Point taken. Then i realized that it already started raining. From a light drizzle, it immediately became a strong rain.

It took a moment for my brain to register that I was already getting wet. I started to run towards the nearest tree, but Jace grabbed my hand.

"What are you doing? We're already soaked!" I told him.

He looked up to the sky and said, "Don't you know that if lovers kiss under the rain, their relationship will last forever?"

He looked down at me and smiled. That smile, that stupid smile, broke down all the barriers I've built up for so long.

He placed his hands around my hips and I placed my hands on his neck.

"Forever and always." I whispered as he leaned in.


In my opinion, this chapter is a little bit too cheesy hahaha xD

I AM TRULY MADLY DEEPLY SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING. I had a mountain load of stuff to do with school. But for now, I can update.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter  (this is unedited by the way, still have tons of homework to do)

Love lots

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