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The Shadow

Killing my father, no, my mother's brother, was suddenly the easiest task in my life.

I have been searching for this man for so many years just so I could put him in eternal sleep, that the next time he woke up he would be in hell.

"Please, please don't kill me, bitiya! Please" he was begging me, I smirked. I had played this moment so many times in my head before, as to how he would react when I would have a sword in my hand and he would be on the floor, begging and begging.

It soothed something inside me, a voice which had gone crazy, was calm and asleep now and would not be woken up. This time I won't let anyone betray me.

This man was not always like this, he shifted, he changed.

He showed his true colours, once I was old enough for...for him.

That was the day I vowed vengeance, I knew I would kill him, kill him even if it takes me years to find the strength and courage. I had thought that I would kill him slow and painfully, draining every drop of blood in him.

But now that I stand in front of him, I don't want to extend his breathes any longer, I don't want him to live.

So, I raise the sword given to me by a guard, and slash through his neck while he is still crying and begging.

His face is left in a state of shock, the blood coming from his neck makes me breathe again.

I had killed him; I had killed this man. Finally

The light

"Why did you believe her?" my brother questions, he has been repeating this same question for the past several minutes.

Why did I believe her? "Because she..." I continued and stopped, I don't know "The flame in her eyes was enough to tell me she was telling the truth" I tell him, "Stop being poetic, she is a mass killer" he argues, "I know that alright? But I just know she is telling the truth, as a king I know how to read people" I defend.

"Or maybe you are accepting the truth" he shrugs, "What truth?" I cock one eyebrow, "The one you have been hiding from everyone, from her" he says.

His words make me take a deep breath, the truth...is hard and she is going to hate me for it, how can I tell her this?

"I told you we are not going to talk about this Adwith and I hope you are going to honour the wish of your king." I straighten my back and look forward.

"As for her, I will tell her the truth when she is ready. She is too driven by hatred. For me." I warned.

Telling her the truth can mean anything, this woman is very unpredictable.

"She already hates you enough" he commented, "or maybe you don't want her to hate you more?" he grins, mischief written all over his face.

I sigh, "Shut up, don't you have anything to do?" I ask, "You have given me absolutely no royal work, because apparently I am a child, so I am just going to goof around, maybe?" he teased.

"I was not wrong; you are a child" I sassed.

"Adwith?" I say, "Yes" "You know, I just remembered, I had sent out a detective to find out minute details about the people that she had killed. He was to meet me a long time ago and I have not heard from him at all" I say, remembering the task I had given. "Maybe the task took a long time, don't forget she has killed too many people" I scoffed, "if it was to take time, he would have sent me a message, but here is nothing, he has disappeared in thin air" I argued.

"I will send out some people to find out what happened, happy?" he asked, I nodded in response.

With that he walked away. We were already deep into nighttime, I retreated back to my chambers, but my feet took me down the wrong hallway.

I found myself standing in front of her room, the Shadow, her name still eludes me.

I hear a jingle of bells, probably from someone's anklets, as I look back, I see her, her hands red from blood, her eyes matching the colour, she didn't take as much time as I thought she would.

"Back so soon?" I ask, my voice hushed.

"Hm" she responded, her eyes looked tired, "I hope you got what you needed" I tilt my head, "He is dead." She responded, "Yes I can figure that much out" I nod, "I killed him" she muttered, "Yes, you did" I assure her.

Her eyes started closing in a matter of seconds and she collapsed, in my arms. Probably from exhaustion?

I took her in her chambers, and laid her on the bed.

Looking at her face for the last time, I turned around and left.

Shortest chapter I ever wrote, forgive me, but the next one is amazing. 

Also I might upload the next chapter tomorrow only, but gimme good amount of votess pleaseeee.

But whatever, I hope you loved it, and do tell how much you like Ranvijay until now!!



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