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"Marry him? has he lost his mind? Did he fall down the stairs? THAT'S his unthinkable punishment? Hai Bhagwan, thank you for saving me."

"How is HE, the King of the 6 kingdoms when he can't even decide on a life-threatening punishment, marrying him practically makes me the Queen of the 6 kingdoms and one of the most powerful women on the continent" The shadow thought.

She couldn't control her laughter, the stupidity of the situation fueling her humor, The king stared at her as if she was wearing a chicken costume and was performing some sort of weird mating dance.

He absolutely didn't find this hilarious, and the look on his face indicated that he wasn't joking, he was very much serious.

The Shadow as he had called her, stopped laughing, she looked him dead in the eye, got up and stared at him just like he did a few minutes ago, "Are you serious?" she asked him,

"Very much so, but I think you found me quite hilarious back there, so let me rephrase my punishment, marriage is just a hoax, I just want to keep you here, use you to lure out all your partners, your companions and even your enemies, I need to know everyone who was involved in this...in this mass murder of yours throughout the years" He explained, his voice going down a few notches, so deep and hoarse that the hair on her hands stood up but not from fear, from something she couldn't quite place yet.

"You might have found me in the flesh, King, but you didn't quite find out enough about me, I don't have any partners or companions of any sorts, I work alone, and if you talk about my enemies...they didn't live a day after actually meeting me" she corrected him, "Your plans of finding somebody else through me, is going to be an epic fail, so I suggest, you either kill me right here, right now, or let me go, because unlike you, I have some very important business to take care of" her voice echoed through the large room.

The room seemed like some personal quarters of sorts, but the room lacked taste, everything was either made of wood or marble, there were no paintings or anything colourful in site, there was a huge bookshelf facing her, filled with dozens and dozens of books in different languages and different topics.

It had been years since she last read a book.

She tried to concentrate on the matter at hand, her gaze never leaving that that of the King's, a small smirk appeared on his face, one filled with slight amusement, he started walking, stopping right behind her, he leaned down and whispered in her ear, "If I had any intentions on killing you, Shadow, I would have done it the very first day I found you, but that was never the plan, you see." He circled right in front of her again, "The plan is to torture you, in the worst way possible, in a way that the people of my kingdom will remember by heart and everyone will know the outcome of...Treason"

She smirked right at him, "Treason? Is that what you have decided to name it, huh King, I like it more when you had called it mass murder, you know? for the greater good"

"Mass murder of innocent people can never be for good, Shadow, and I prefer your highness" his sharp reply sent a tingle down her spine, but she didn't show it, she can't back out from this game now, she is too far down the lane.

"I would call you your highness, if you had done something to deserve it, King" she spoke the last word with spite.

"And none of them were innocent, had you had done your research properly, every one of them deserved it, their death was the easiest way for them to get out of this world and for the world to get rid of such monsters" she explained

"You don't decide people's punishment if they had done any wrong, Little Killer, I do, and if you think they were that bad, you should have come to me" King Ranvijay reasoned,

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