Chapter 1 - The Meeting

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© All Rights Reserved. Created by AbiPWriting.

My mother had named me Allegra, meaning full of life. She was determined that this name, this positive bearing on my existence, would bring me luck and fortune throughout my days. However, she was simply wrong in every way. I almost feel sorry for her, her bright outlook, but was too unbothered to truly give it any thought.

I lived in a small country known as Oirasora. Here, the seasons were always beautiful and full of life. The downside was that they always came in full force. Winter chilled your bones and summer roasted you alive. Legends throughout my childhood claimed there were otherworldly beings who controlled and decided the weather, but I simply did not believe such fairy tales.

Trained harshly and cruelly from a young age, I knew what I was meant to become. Who I was meant to become. A warrior. A fighter.

At the age of four, my mother died of an unknown illness. The town's doctor had never seen such symptoms. Her mind was blank: she could not remember who she was, who I was, or even my father. Her ability to speak was instantly gone. She simply faded away over the course of a few days. Rumors spread throughout Oirasora saying that she was cursed, another nudge to those otherworldly beings, but I did not believe in such tales. So, her death decided my miserable fate.

My father, having lost the love and joy of his life, became a cruel man. His eyes hardened like that of glass, never to see any emotion but anger. He regularly beat me for any mistake, no matter how small. In junior school, a simple math error or misunderstanding was more than enough room for a beating. Sometimes, if I had done poorly in school or my chores in the evenings, I was locked away in my room for the night. No dinner. I did not know a father's or a mother's love.

Sometimes, if I thought too long, I could see myself hiding under my bed. Trying to escape my father's hand. But it didn't matter as he would find me regardless. I treasured the moments when I was locked away because at least then, I had a moment to myself. A moment to think. To breathe. To exist without the beatings.

After graduating from junior school at the age of eight, my father decided I was done with school. I did not need high school he had said. The real motive for this lies in the fact that my father's greed to maximize his income. He hoped this would lure a new woman to his side, and thus aimed to appear at least middle class. Almost wealthy.

To do so, I was sent away to become a Higher Naval Fleet Warrior. Sending your child away at a young age was believed to be an honor. It was required to finish junior school first, but afterward, parents received twenty-five thousand Riys a year. This was a decent salary, the average office worker's to be exact. With it, my father barely had to work and was easily able to become a man of middle-class means. It was just himself he needed to support so far. No other woman yet.

So it wasn't hard for him I guess. I, however, was trained daily in combative swimming, strenuous physical exercise, warfare tactics, and strategic battle planning to become a warrior. It was not an easy life.

Throughout my existence, Oirasora had never seen a conflict or war. But eight hundred years ago, a battle ravaged the land. Burning through many cities, bloodlines, and life itself. What exactly happened before, during, and after that battle was a mystery. No one could remember why it occurred or with whom. For the last eight hundred years we had been undisturbed, full of peace and life. But the threat always remained. It lingered, instilling fear into the hearts of Oirasorans. So, they dealt with it in the only way they could: by building massive military units. One of those was the Higher Naval Fleet, our version of the Navy. My branch.

My training for the Higher Naval Fleet did make me wonder, why was there a war, hundreds of years ago, not remembered and never spoken about? What did it mean? Did anyone else ponder this expect for me? When I tried to speak of it to a teacher at the academy, I was hushed and sent away. Later, it was announced that anyone would inquired about the old war would not be fed their next meal. So, I learned quickly and kept my thoughts to myself. Except for with my friend Renor.

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