🔞CHAPTER 18: Drowsy world

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With a steady motion, Katsuki pressed her body against his, feeling the softness of her breasts against his chest. His face remained void of any expression as he lifted her up effortlessly.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, feeling the heat of his body against hers. As her legs instinctively wrapped around his waist

she held on tight, her body pressed tightly against his, feeling every inch of him.

Katsuki's muscular body was substantial against hers, his strength evident as he held her effortlessly. She could feel the heat radiating from his skin, the firmness of his muscles beneath his clothes.

It was a stark contrast to her small, delicate frame, making her feel small in his embrace. Yet, there was a sense of security in his hold.

He murmured, his voice low and commanding, "Keep your grip tight, or you might just find yourself falling." His words were a warning

As he used his quirk to thrust them upward, she felt her heart pounding in her chest. Her head was buried against his shoulder, her warm breath tickling his skin. The sensation of being lifted by him, the power of his quirk, it was all overwhelming. She clung to him tighter, her nails digging into the fabric of his shirt, her body pressed against his as they soared through the night sky.

He felt her grip tightening around his neck, her body pressing against his. her warmth seeping into his skin. He could feel every curve of her body against his, her softness contrasting with his hardness.

As they defied gravity, she felt the exhilarating rush of weightlessness.

She didn't know where Katsuki was whisking her away to, nor did she have the capacity to care.

Lost in a haze of emotions and sensations, she was there yet not entirely present.

surrendering to the moment without resistance.

They flew over the city, the lights below twinkling like stars in the darkness. She felt weightless, suspended in mid-air as Katsuki held her securely in his arms.

The cityscape spread out beneath them, a breathtaking panorama of lights and shadows.

As they neared his apartment building, Katsuki adjusted their trajectory, angling towards his balcony.

She held her breath as they descended, the ground rushing up to meet them.

With a precise movement, Katsuki landed on the balcony with a controlled thud, his boots hitting the ground with a solid impact.

She stumbled slightly as they landed, her legs unsteady from sheer intensity of the moment.

Katsuki's grip on her tightened, steadying her as she caught her balance.

The balcony was small but cozy, a few potted plants lining the edges and a small table and chairs set up in one corner.

The cool night air brushed against her skin, a stark contrast to the heat radiating from Katsuki's body.

He slowly released her, his hands lingering on her waist for a moment before letting go.

She stood there, slightly disoriented, her heart still racing from their aerial adventure.

The city stretched out before them, the lights of the buildings twinkling in the distance.

Katsuki's eyes met hers, the moonlight casting shadows across his rugged features. There was a fierce intensity in his gaze.

As Katsuki opened the door to his apartment without saying a word, the timid girl followed him inside.

The room she entered was undoubtedly Katsuki's master bedroom. Everything was meticulously clean and organized, .

Masked girl × Her Bully(katsuki bakugou)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora