CHAPTER 8:cat fight

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As she walked to her school the next day, her mind was consumed with thoughts of what had happened yesterday. The memories replayed in her head, and the feeling of his saliva lingered in her mouth, making it difficult to forget. She longed to erase those memories, but they seemed to be etched in her mind, haunting her every step. Each passing moment brought a rush of emotions, and she struggled to focus on what the day would bring, unable to shake off the unsettling experience .

Her face concealed behind a mask, she tried to maintain a neutral expression, even though her taste buds recoiled at the food her mother had lovingly prepared. The memory of his influence on the dish made her stomach churn, and she fought back the urge to vomit. The conflicting emotions swirled within her-appreciation for her mother's efforts and resentment towards the tainted flavor he had left behind.

Hesitantly, she approached her classroom, heart pounding as she braced herself for what she might find. As she stepped inside, her eyes fell upon him, surrounded by a circle of giggling girls .

As she settled into her seat, she couldn't shake the sensation of his eyes on her. His gaze, both malicious and charming, seemed to pierce through her defenses, leaving her feeling exposed . Despite her efforts to ignore him and the situation, she could sense his attention fixed on her like a spotlight, making her uncomfortable. It was as if he knew the impact his presence had on her, and it only fueled the unsettling mix of emotions inside her. Trying her best to stay composed, she avoided making eye contact with him, hoping that by doing so, she could shield herself .

The air felt charged with anticipation, and she could feel the weight of their previous encounter still lingering in her mind. With a forced composure, she chose to ignore the flirty atmosphere, focusing on her desk, and attempting to drown out the laughter with the rustling of her books.

For the masked girl, it was like trying to decipher a complex riddle without any clues. She couldn't understand what spell he had cast over these girls or what magnetic force drew them toward him. To her, it seemed like a twisted version of a romance novel, where the brooding, mean-spirited villain somehow became the object of desire.

meanwhile katsuki's attention was fixated on her. She was completely covered, her baggy trousers and oversized hoodie concealing every inch of her form. The weight of his gaze bore down on her, and it felt as if he was trying to unravel the mystery beneath those layers. Her attire, though intended for comfort and security, seemed to captivate him, leaving him with an insatiable desire to know more about the person hidden beneath the concealing garments. As he watched her, a disturbing curiosity brewed in his mind, hinting at something far from innocuous. His intentions remained a mystery, and the girl in the mask couldn't shake off the sense of unease that his gaze brought upon her. She found herself yearning for the end of the class, hoping to escape the intensity of his attention and the unsettling thoughts brewing inside his head.

In a desperate attempt to attract his attention, the girl sitting beside her leaned closer, subtly adjusting her posture to accentuate her curves, revealing more of her cleavage. She hoped that this bold move would finally catch his eye, but to her dismay, he appeared entirely indifferent. His gaze remained fixed elsewhere, seemingly uninterested in the blatant display she had put forth. Undeterred, the girl continued to push her efforts, trying to garner any reaction from him, but his apathy remained unchanged. The situation unfolded like an awkward dance, with the girl vying for his attention and him seemingly oblivious to her advances.

Her actions grew even more desperate as she leaned in further, attempting to fall against his bicep while pretending it was unintentional. She pressed herself close to him, hoping to create an illusion of accidental contact, as if she didn't deliberately plan the move. Her body language betrayed her true intentions, yet he continued to display an unwavering indifference. The awkwardness of the situation intensified, as the girl's efforts became increasingly apparent to everyone around them. Some students exchanged glances, unsure of how to react to the spectacle unfolding before them.

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