CHAPTER 15: Game of tears

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The timid girl, lying on her bed in her pajama shorts, felt her heart race as she read the message from her bully. He was coming to pick her up from her house, and she didn't want to go. Panic seized her mind as she frantically searched for an alibi, something to say to get out of this.

sge paced back and forth in her room, her heart racing with anxiety. She had received Katsuki's invitation to a party at Kirishima's house, but she was scared. She didn't want to go with him, didn't want to be alone with him in a place filled with people she barely knew.

She kept thinking about excuses, about ways to get out of it. Maybe she could fake being sick, or pretend she had other plans. But every time she tried to come up with an alibi, a reason not to go, she was overcome with a sense of dread

"I can't," she typed back quickly, her fingers trembling on her phone screen. "I have to study for a test tomorrow."

But almost instantly, another message came through from him. "I don't care," it read,

The timid girl's heart sank as she realized she had no choice. She knew what he was capable of, knew that he wouldn't take no for an answer.

With a heavy sigh, she got up from her bed and went to her closet, her mind racing with fear and anxiety. She quickly changed into a her usual clothes, trying to ignore the sick feeling in the pit of her stomach.

Katsuki sat behind the wheel of his car, the engine rumbling beneath him as he waited for Kirishima to join him. He didn't want to go alone to pick her up; it would raise too many questions, especially from their friends at the party. He couldn't let anyone know that he was going after Ugly Face, not without risking his reputation as the   man who doesn't care about girls .

Kirishima climbed into the passenger seat, a grin on his face as he buckled up. "Ready to go pick up our little punching bag?"

Katsuki just grunted in response, his jaw clenched . He couldn't let Kirishima know the reason behind this trip.

He couldn't let anyone know why he wants her , not even Kirishima, even he didn't know what he wants with her .

he just know she pisses him off.

Can you imagine THE KATSUKI Bakugou getting near a girl like that? That'd be a stain on his reputation, man.

He had to maintain his reputation ,the one who would never go after timid ugly girls , he was the one who always got chased by girls , he could never even touch someone so undesirable like that .

ravens are not even desired by creepiest motherfucker who are so desperate who  will jerk off looking at a donut hole , let alone THE KATSUKI bakugou will ever  touch a girl from such a background that would be shame on his reputation .

As Katsuki drove, his mind raced with frustration and confusion. Why couldn't she just be an ugly bitch like everyone thought? Why did she have to be so flawless behind all those oversized clothes and that mask? It was maddening, the way she seemed to taunt him with her perfection.

As they pulled up outside Ugly Face's house, Katsuki felt a surge of anticipation.

The door swung open, and there she stood, trembling and afraid.

"Get in the car," Katsuki growled, his voice low and menacing.

she hesitated for a moment, fear evident in her eyes. But she knew she had no choice. With a resigned sigh, she climbed into the back seat, her eyes downcast.

She sat in the back seat of Katsuki's car, her attire consisting of grey baggy pants and an oversized hoodie that swallowed her small frame. Her face was hidden behind a black mask, her hands covered with gloves, and round-rimmed glasses perched on her nose.

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