Chapter no.8 Bet: Life or Death

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Elder Nie Wei had long understood the grim reality that the Heavenly Marks Family was fading away.

As a child, he had witnessed their glory, a proud family of warriors whose fame could rival even the Snow Wind Family.

But as the decades passed, he watched helplessly as their power diminished.

Their lands were seized over trivial disputes, their warriors either killed or exiled, all to satisfy the whims of rival families.

In Nie Wei's eyes, the once-great Heavenly Marks Family was already a relic of the past, its downfall orchestrated by the feeble leadership of Nie Hai.

He believed the family's only chance for revival rested in his hands, under his rule.

However, Nie Wei faced a significant obstacle: despite his age, Nie Hai remained a formidable force, far beyond Nie Wei's ability to challenge directly.

So, Nie Wei bided his time, waiting for nature to claim Nie Hai, dreaming of the day he would take over.

But then, something unexpected happened. "Patriarch Nie Hai, do you have the courage to make a bet with me?"

Nie Li's words echoed through the hall, surprising everyone, including Nie Wei.

Under normal circumstances, Nie Wei would have dismissed such audacity with a scoff. However, this time was different.

As he processed Nie Li's challenge, Nie Wei's mind began to whirl with possibilities. Perhaps this was the moment he had been waiting for, the chance to enact his plan and claim the leadership of the Heavenly Marks Family for himself.


Nie Li focused on the screen before him.

[ 1- I have a way to save the Heavenly Marks Family ]

[ 2- I challenge you to the seat of the Patriarch ]

[  3- Give me one week, I can prove to you that I am the strongest of the next generation ]

[ 4- Stay Silent ]

The first choice.

[ 1- I have a way to save the Heavenly Marks Family ]

It felt too daring.

Making such a bold statement was risky because the system would likely put me in a tight spot to back up my claim.

I doubted I could just talk my way out of that situation.

Then there was option 2.

[ 2- I challenge you to the seat of the Patriarch ]

But that felt like jumping off a cliff without wings.

I wasn't even close to being a bronze rank, let alone gold rank.

What was I thinking? That I'd challenge him and then what?

Hide and hope he'd just... pass away from a stroke?

[ 3- Give me one week, I can prove to you that I am the strongest of the next generation ]

This option caught my eye.

This option had something tangible about it—a challenge, a chance to show what I could do, not just empty words.

It was a promise of proof, a real goal. But the big question lingered: could I actually pull it off?

And finally.

[ 4- Stay Silent ]

Well, that ship had sailed the moment I opened my mouth.

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