Chapter no.25 A Professional Suck Up

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After the ceremony ended, Nie Li made his way to the room that had been gifted to him by the Patriarch.

With his new status as the heir, his family was now the proud owner of a mansion, and both his father and uncle had received significant job promotions.

They were appointed as the manager and vice manager of agriculture for the family, overseeing everything from the sale of crops to the collection of taxes and the allocation of funds to farmers.

Nie Li knew his father and uncle were well-suited for these roles.

Having been farmers themselves, they had a deep understanding of the land and a strong connection with the local farming community.

Now, all they needed to do was adjust to their new responsibilities.

As he thought about this, Nie Li couldn't help but rub his belly, feeling a bit stuffed from the feast.

The sound of knocking pulled Nie Li from his thoughts.

Without needing to check, he knew who stood on the other side of the door—Grand Elder Nie Wei.

Nie Li's brow furrowed as he pondered the elder's motives.

"Is he here for revenge because I foiled his takeover plans?" he wondered silently. However, he quickly reassured himself, considering the security of his location within the heart of the Heavenly Marks Family territory.

"Even if he's here with ill intent, I can escape and hold my ground with the soul wings spell until the Patriarch intervenes."

Another knock interrupted his thoughts, leading to a realization.

Nie Li's thoughts were met with another knock as an idea clicked in his head.

"He wants to suck up to me so that I don't become his enemy. Interesting, I am sure many more members of the Heavenly Marks Family have the same idea when they saw my soul wings.

You want to suck up to me, well, I'll let you suck... Wait, that sounds wrong... Whatever, I'll let you suck until you realize I don't care what you give me, I was never on your side to begin with."

Opening the door, Nie Li was met with the sight of Grand Elder Nie Wei.

"Greetings, young master," said Nie Wei, his voice carrying a mix of respect and something else that Nie Li couldn't quite place.

Nie Li raised an eyebrow in surprise.

There was no trace of arrogance, no hidden contempt—just submission.

"So, the Grand Elder of the Heavenly Marks Family shows his true colors—strong with the weak, but spineless before the strong," Nie Li thought, a wry smile playing on his lips.

"Would you like to come in?" Nie Li offered.

Nie Li and Nie Wei sat together, wrapped in an awkward silence that seemed to stretch endlessly.

Looking to break the ice, Nie Li ventured, "Would you like something to drink or eat?"

"No, thank you. I am full from the feast earlier," Nie Wei replied, his voice steady but devoid of warmth.

"That's nice," Nie Li said, the words hanging in the air between them.

Then, Nie Wei dropped a bombshell.

"You know, I am the reason you are now the heir."

Nie Li almost burst into laughter at the absurdity but managed to keep it in.

"How?" he asked, genuinely curious about Nie Wei's reasoning.

"Well, if I hadn't convinced the Patriarch about the competition, you wouldn't be in this position," Nie Wei explained.

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