Chapter no.54 Dorm Room: Morning

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[ One Day Prior ]

Ye Sheng, the vice principal of the Holy Orchid Institute, felt a wave of confusion as he entered the room to find the principal serving tea to an elderly man.

The old man, with his hair and full beard turned a distinguished shade of gray, exuded an aura of wisdom and venerable knowledge.

Immediately sensing the significance of the guest, given the principal's deference, Ye Sheng's instincts kicked in.

The principal rarely accorded such respect unless the visitor was both strong and influential.

"Ye Sheng, good, you're here," the principal greeted.

Ye Sheng offered a bow to the old man, who seemed more interested in his tea than in acknowledging the gesture.

Concealing his irritation, Ye Sheng inquired, "Sir, did you need something from me?"

The principal handed him a scroll.

"Take this to Teacher Shen Xiu. Our special guest here will be observing her class tomorrow."

Ye Sheng accepted the scroll and departed, leaving the principal to address their distinguished visitor, Elder Ye Xiu.

"Elder Ye Xiu, may I ask why you're here to personally observe Shen Xiu?"

Elder Ye Xiu set down his tea cup, a small smile playing on his lips.

"A little birdy informed me that Shen Xiu had a hand in the death of that sacred family spy; Zheng Pingru," he revealed, fixing the principal with a steady gaze.

"You don't think..." the principal began, trailing off.

"It's all but confirmed. The so-called perfect unity within the Sacred Family is nothing but a facade, and the city lord is displeased. Her daughter could become entangled in this conflict," Elder Ye Xiu explained.

The principal was incredulous. "You're joking."

"Not in the slightest. Why else would the sister of the Sacred Family's Patriarch teach here, instead of focusing on her own cultivation? With both Ye Ziyun and Shen Yue in the same class under Shen Xiu, it couldn't be clearer. The Sacred Family seeks to forge a bridge between themselves and the Snow Wind Family," Elder Ye Xiu elaborated, his words heavy with implication.

The principal nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.

To outsiders, such an alliance between two powerful families might seem beneficial, a unification of strength and resources. However, those well-versed in the intricacies of Glory City's politics understood the dangers.

An alliance like this could upset the delicate balance of power within Glory City, giving the Sacred Family disproportionate influence.

It could lead to monopolization of resources, stifling the growth of smaller families and potentially sparking a power struggle that could tear the city apart.

Furthermore, merging the ambitions of two such families could exacerbate existing tensions, inviting conflict not just within the city, but with external threats, drawing enemies to exploit these divisions.

In a world where strength dictated order, such alliances were tread upon with caution, for they often led down a path of strife and unrest, making the entire city vulnerable in the pursuit of power.


As Shen Xiu unfolded the scroll from the principal, a sense of dread washed over her. The news it carried was far from welcome—an elder from the Snow Wind Family was set to visit, scrutinizing her teaching to determine whether Ye Ziyun was truly benefiting from her classes, or if a transfer was in order. The weight of the situation pressed down on her, manifesting as a burgeoning headache.

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