Chapter no.3 I am Back?

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[ Task Initiated: Creating New Character in Timeline ]

[ Verifying: Access Area Control Connection ]

[ Alert: Connection Errors Detected ]

[ Adjusting: Reconfiguration Based on Player's Memory ]

[ Status: Loading... ]

[ Status: Loading Complete ]

[ Confirmation: Character Creation Now Complete. ]

Nie Li's consciousness gradually returned as he felt something prodding at him. Opening his eyes, he found himself staring at a red-haired six-year-old girl who was poking him with a small finger.

"Big brother wake up!" the girl exclaimed.

Nie Li managed a weak smile, still caught in the haze of his awakening.

"Hey, looks like you're in the afterlife with me," he said softly, the words slipping out before he fully grasped the situation. In his mind, he was still reconciling with the memory of his own death, the final moments before everything went dark.

"Looks like me and my family would be in the afterlife, happy and safe," Nie Li thought to himself, trying to find comfort in the idea. "Don't worry, Yu, even if we are dead, we are safe," he assured her.

Nie Yu, puzzled by her big brother's strange words, ran out of the room screaming, "Mom! Aunty! Brother Nie Li is saying scary things."

"Not so loud," Nie Li moaned, his head throbbing as he took in his surroundings. The familiar sights and smells of the shabby, musty room he had known all his life enveloped him.

"Couldn't I have gotten a better room in the afterlife?" he mumbled to himself, still half-convinced he was dead and now in the afterlife.

As Nie Li was lost in his thoughts, a gray-haired woman entered the room, her presence marked by the soft shuffle of her feet against the floor. She wore clothes that spoke of a simple, hardworking life—a plain cotton tunic that had seen many washes, faded to a soft shade of its original color. The fabric was thin in places, mended with careful stitches that told stories of frugality and practicality. Around her waist was a worn sash that had been tied and retied countless times, holding the tunic close against her body. Her trousers, too, were of a simple make, dyed in a practical, earthy tone that hid the wear and tear of daily chores. Her feet were clad in shoes made of woven straw, the kind that whispered of long walks in the fields and quiet endurance.

"Nie Li! Why are you scaring Yu?"

"M-Mom!" Nie Li exclaimed, his voice trembling as he rushed to hug her.

The flood of emotions was overwhelming; in what he believed was his last moments, he had accepted that he would never see her again. Now, here she was, tangible and real in his arms.

Xiao Yun, his mother, looked down at her son with a mix of worry and affection. She hugged him back, trying to comfort him, all the while thinking he was merely nervous about the big day ahead.

Guess, he is scared for his big day.

Nie Li and his mother remained locked in a tight embrace for a long moment.

Suddenly, Nie Yu, feeling left out of the moment, wrapped her small arms around their legs, giggling softly.

Nie Li couldn't help but smile at his little cousin's actions.

He was overwhelmed with gratitude for being in his mother's arms and receiving affection from his cousin.

Despite his efforts to stay composed, tears started to well up in his eyes as he looked up at his mother and saw the worry reflected there.

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