Chapter no.17 Dream Simulation

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[ Heavenly Marks Family - Elders Hall ]

Patriarch Nie Hai stepped into what should have been the most illustrious room of an aristocratic family.

Instead, he was met with a dull room, the grandeur marred by cracks hidden within its walls.

As he entered, the elders rose to their feet in respect.

"We greet the Patriarch!" they chorused, a formal acknowledgment of his presence.

Nie Hai merely raised his hand, a gesture for them to sit, as he moved on to the matter at hand.

"Onto business—the Heir competition," he began, his voice laced with a hint of annoyance that did not go unnoticed by the elders.

The room filled with a palpable sense of urgency as they discussed the dire situation of their family.

"The rules will be decided later on. For now, how are we going to fund it? Any suggestions?" Nie Hai queried, opening the floor for ideas.

One elder ventured, "What if we invited the other noble families and charged them for attendance?"

"No, we already have a dire situation with them. No need to antagonize them further," Nie Hai dismissed the idea quickly.

Another elder suggested, "What about increasing taxes on our members?"

"Is that wise, though? Our family businesses have been sold off," Elder Nie Wei interjected, his gaze fixed on Nie Hai, putting the Patriarch under pressure consider Nie Hai was the one who decided it was good idea to sell their businesses to other noble families.

"If we tax them more, most of our members will be pushed into poverty."

"You're in charge of the family's finances, aren't you? What do you suggest we do?" Nie Hai retorted, putting Nie Wei on the spot.

After a moment of contemplation, Nie Wei proposed, "We could allocate 100k Demon Spirit Coins from this year's education budget for the tournament. Those who demonstrate their talents will receive further investment from the family."

Silence engulfed the room as everyone processed the suggestion.

Nie Hai clicked his tongue, "Those that approve this action, raise your hands."

It was a unanimous decision; every hand in the room was raised.

"Ask the guards to spread the word," Nie Hai ordered.

Nie Wei raised an eyebrow, pondering the implications.

With the news spreading among the members, Nie Li's family would undoubtedly face more troubles.

Initially, only those unprepared were affected by Nie Li's bet with the Patriach, but now, with the budget cut announced, it was only a matter of time before the lower branch members began harassing Nie Li's family. The ripple effect of Nie Li's bold bet was becoming more evident, potentially alienating his family even further within the clan.

"Guess he really didn't like Nie Li's bet," Nie Wei thought, casting a glance at the Patriarch.

The decision made was cold, calculated, and seemingly indifferent to the potential hardships it would impose on Nie Li's family. "Whatever. None of my concern what happens to that talentless brat."


Meanwhile, ignorant of the machinations and political plays of the elders and Patriarch, Nie Li sat in his room, gazing upon the system.

[ Soul Manipulation ]

[ Level: N/A ]

[ Type: Passive ]

[ Description: Soul Manipulation grants the cultivator unprecedented control over their own soul force, allowing for manipulation of this vital energy beyond conventional limits. ]

[ Boosts: ]

  - [ Soul Force Amplification: Increases the power of techniques and abilities that utilize soul force by 20%. ]

  - [ Rapid Soul Recovery: Enhances the cultivator's natural soul force regeneration rate by 25% ]

  - [ Soul Barrier: Allows the cultivator to create a protective barrier using their soul force, reducing incoming damage by 15%. ]


[ Third Eye ]

[ Level: N/A ]

[ Type: Passive ]

[ Description: Third Eye is a profound skill that leverages soul force to significantly enhance memory retention and recall. Practitioners of this skill can achieve an eidetic memory, allowing them to remember intricate details without forgetting. ]

[ Boosts: ]

  - [ Eidetic Memory: Grants the ability to remember everything with perfect clarity, effectively eliminating forgetfulness. ]

  - [ Information Analysis: Enhances the capacity to analyze and interpret information by 20%. ]

  - [ Focus Amplification: Increases concentration and focus during high-stress situations, ensuring peak mental performance. ]

"Okay, so these class features aren't something everyone has. Back when I was a demon spiritualist, I never had such perfect control over soul force, nor did I have such an enhanced memory. Ah, who cares? I get to enjoy these benefits now, and I have three days left before the tournament starts," he thought.

Nie Li knew his chances of winning were high.

After all, no one else in his age range had achieved the status of a 1-star Bronze rank demon spiritualist.

Yet, the sheer number of opponents and their varied skill levels presented a significant challenge.

Glancing at the system, a thought crossed his mind.

"Ah, I wish I could just boost my skill level to surpass anyone in the Heavenly Marks Family in just three days."

[ Simulation System Initiated ]

[ Input: Player's Desire - "Wish I could just boost my skill level to surpass anyone in the Heavenly Marks Family in just three days." ]

[ Analyzing: Generating Outcome Based on Player's Desire ]

[ Outcome: Dream Simulation ]

[ Description: Player Nie Li will enter a dream state, engaging in combat against a series of opponents designed to rapidly enhance his skills. This immersive simulation is tailored to push Nie Li's abilities to their limits, offering an accelerated learning experience. ]

[ Note: Due to the unique nature of the player's desire, only one specific outcome has been generated. ]

[ Actions Required: ]

  - [ Acknowledge to proceed with the Dream Simulation. ]

[ Warning: Engaging in this simulation will place Nie Li in a deep dream state for three days, during which his skills will be honed against formidable dream-constructed opponents. ]

"As always, I can rely on you."

With a newfound confidence, he stepped out to inform his family that he would be dedicating himself to meditation in preparation for the upcoming tournament. He wanted no distractions; his focus was on honing his skills and maximizing the advantages granted by the system.

But what Nie Li didn't know was that when he woke up, he would regret ever going into the dream rather than protecting his family.

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