I can finally breathe again

Start from the beginning

I'm glad Joe is happy to continue to cover for Kelly until he gets here. I just hope he gets here sooner rather than later or just answers my text because I'm getting worried again about an hour later I'm sitting in my office.

CB= morning
S= good morning chief
CB= cruz told me about Severide delayed flight any updates?
S= uh no not yet
CB= OK then keep me posted

Let's hope Kelly gets here soon. I'm starting to worry.

Kelly's pov: I know I messed up big-time with Stella on the last ATF case I was working on months ago, but I promised her this new case will be different because I can't lose Stella. She is the best thing ever but of course this morning my flight gets delayed and I bet Stella is getting really worried. Especially, since I've been getting text from her a lot this morning and now I finally get to the firehouse

H= look who is finally showed up. Welcome back Kelly.
K= why thank you Herman
MC= thank God my best man is here now the wedding can happen
K= well I wouldn't miss your wedding for the world like how you didn't miss mine
SB= Stella will be so happy to see you
V= oh yes, she will be
K= so where is she by the way?
CZ= I think I saw her in her office
K= all right let me try a prank on her, so please everyone be quiet
H= all right
S= ( phone rings ) where are you?
K= hi Stella, there was some kind of problem on the freeway and I didn't get there anytime
S= I don't like why are you just telling me this now?
K= well at the gate they told me there was another flight to Chicago at a different terminal so I ran I didn't call because I wasn't sure I was going to make it
S= okay
K= so I'm make it just in time and then there's no service on the flight
S= where are you?
K= I didn't want to call ( Stella see him ) midway because I knew I was only 20 minutes away and I wanted to look you in the eyes

Once I got closer to Stella, I can tell she is very happy to see me once I finally give my wife a kiss and hug we go into my office and lay down and snuggle together for a few minutes

S= I didn't know what was happening
K= I am sorry
S= yeah you should've had the pilot radio me
K= I thought about it believe me
S= ( kiss his ring ) i'm just glad you came home
K= that was the plan
S= I wasn't sure
K= I love you Stella Kidd
S= I love you so much

Once we kiss, we stay on my bed for a few minutes and then she goes off and does her paperwork while I go and get myself changed and check in with cruz to see what has happened since I've been gone and then me and Matt decided to head outside to have a cigar chat

MC= so you still got your hands in some arson cases
K= yeah I love it but I was going to give it up for Stella. She thinks Arsen is like a drug for me. I get lost in it and start turning into Benny.
MC= you do
K=  I did before when I really thought I might lose Stella. It was no contest the case was a bitch, but I'm never lost sight of the end goal coming home.
MC= I remember sitting for the cigar chats back when we were two single guys with nothing and nobody to lose
K= simpler times that's for sure
MC= pretty damn lucky now
K= I know it
MC= we've been through it you and Helen back together more than a few times I'd be lesser firefighter if it wasn't for that
K= you told me once the house needed me and whether I knew it or not, I needed the house been thinking about that a lot in the last few months
MC= you're admitting I was right
K= no I just said I thought about it that's all ( laughs) It's funny we pull out cigars. Suddenly it feels like you never left.
MC= in a lot of ways I didn't
K= feels permanent somehow when you leave this time
MC= Sylvie and I will always come back to 51

Before we can even finish our conversation, the bells go off for the whole fire house to an expo convention center. We were able to knock down a little fire and catch the person who caused the fire so he could escape without getting in trouble.. we get back to the firehouse and luckily we barely get any more calls for the rest of the shift. Now it's the day of the wedding I get ready with Matt while Stella gets ready with Sylvie and Violet the wedding was so great and now we are at Molly's having a great time with everybody. I am on the Dancefloor with my wife.

S= that was a beautiful wedding just like ours was it feels like a million years ago doesn't it
K= no not to me I will always come home to you, Stella
S= I believe that finally

We kiss and still dance about 10 minutes later Trudy comes over with Julia and passes her over to Stella so that she can go and dance so we get to hang out with our goddaughter for a little bit before Matt and Brett head off with Griffin, then and Julia to their new married life in Portland once they are left after the whole fire house, Sends them off me and Stella head home and enjoy a nice little night together since I've been back

Authors note: I hope you like the chapter I combine two episodes in this one because there wasn't much an episode five of just Stella and besides who didn't love that whole surprise reunion for Stella and Kelly it was so cute. Also love that Trudy decided to pass Julia off to Stella instead of off to like maybe anybody else in the moon that has kids like is that trying to tell us something that made me they'll give us a day for them soon and also I assume Kelly and Stella are the godparents of baby Julia but if I'm wrong I'm sorry I'm just going to assume it because hello, tell me what you think and thank goodness our shows are back this week

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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