Working on our trust again

Start from the beginning

Once Joe walks away Stella goes out to the arthritis floor to look at something once she notices Kelly is looking at something at his squad table. She decides to not say anything at first, so she walks away about five minutes later here comes Vanmeter.

K= Captain
VM= lieutenant I was in the neighborhood thought I'd stop by
K= in the neighborhood
VM= did you get the ATF case file?
K= did you put my name back on their investigators list?
VM= no I'll leave that to you, but this is a big case they can use your help so I told them to send it to you
K= captain I appreciate all the effort, but I'm not doing fire investigation right now
VM= look Kelly I'm not sure why you backed away from freelancing with the most important arson team in the country, but I can guess not wanting to follow in your dad's footsteps for one thing
K= it's not that
VM= OK but whatever the reason it's not good enough, you know how many lies can you say with just one arson arrest
K= I do but now now it's a tricky time that's all
VM= I don't make it a habit of pressuring firefighters into the job. In fact, I've never done it before, but you have the talent in the passion for this, and a bright future once you retire from squad if you don't let it all go to waste for any reason ( he leaves )

Once Vanmeter leaves, Kelly, thanks about what he says looks over that stuff a little more and then head to his office

K= hey
S= so uh what's this?
K= it's and ATF case file, a murderer arson in Arizona
S= I thought that you weren't on their
investigator list anymore
K= I'm not Vanmeter sent the file and I said I'd look at it
S= why would you do that Kelly
K= look Stella I'm not hiding from you I was going to ...
S= I had no choice with an arsonist who was targeting fire I had to let you take that on
K= I had to do it this is something I want this ATF team they're the best working with them would open doors for me down the road like if I wanted to run OFI someday but you still don't trust me so how do we get through this deadlock?
S= not by bulldozing over me
K= I am not I get it now. Let me show you I can handle a case like this and then come back home to you.
S= you're asking, but it seems like you have already made the decision
K= I haven't promised him anything if you're not OK with me going then I won't go simple as that just think it over OK
S= okay

Stella walks away to start thinking about what she would want Kelly to do while Kelly thinks about if he really wants to take this case or not a couple hours later

CZ= so I thought about what you said I think you're right if severide told me to stay put, I would have resented it even felt trapped still I can't tell if he cares whether I stay or go

Once Stella hears what Cruz is saying. She decides on what she's been thinking about for the last couple hours and goes talk to Kelly.

K= I just wanted to say I wouldn't have looked at just any case file. This thing in Tucson is a big deal a federal agent was killed by a cartel operating in ...
S= you should go
K= are you sure?
S= yeah I don't ever want you to feel trapped so you have my blessing as long as you come back soon
K= that's the plan
S= but if you go MIA on me again, if you leave me in the dark
K= I know I know
S= and I'm not the only one who's permission you should ask
K= Boden already on board
S= i'm not talking about Boden

Once Kelly figures out who Stella was talking about, he went off and found Cruz

CZ= what's up Lieutenant?
K= I need to go away for a little while another in case with the ATF
CZ= yeah
K= yeah, if you're good with it
CZ= if I'm good, you're asking me
K= I won't go unless you are willing to step into my shoes like you did before take care of squad three till I get back there's no one else that I trust

Cruz does agree to take over squad until Kelly gets back so then Kelly goes and calls the ATF guy to let him know he'll be coming to help them out. He gets a plane ticket for the first flight so he can get there as soon as possible the last shift Kelly gets things in order for Cruz to take over one shift is over Kelly and Stella head home to get Kelly ready to go to Arizona later that night as they are waiting for Kelly's cab to get there, they decide to have a little make out session

K= is that my cab
S= ( nods her head yes ) we need to replace the angle valve under the sink. I was going to call the landlord.
K= no no way johan never fixed anything light in his life. I'll do it when I get back.
S= OK then I'll wait
K= see you soon
S= i'll see you soon

Kelly gives Stella one last kiss and then gets in the cab Stella Wayne's outside into the cab is all the way gone to go inside and she gets ready for the next couple weeks without Kelly being there

Authors note part two: this episode wasn't that bad I hate that that we have to see Kelly leave again, but let's hope he's back soon, and for two convenient meter please go away. Kelly is pretty much telling you he's choosing firefighting over OFI all the time anymore like he wants to fix things with his marriage more than he wants to work on our cases why should he have to explain that to Van meter it might be about the whole doesn't wanna fall on his foot but at the same time it's more about his marriage than anything so please stop coming to Kelly please let me know what your thoughts are

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