Chapter 44: Mysterious Message

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Deku's POV:

As lunch concluded, I couldn't shake the unease lingering within me, exacerbated by Mina's absence since she left abruptly. Disheartened, I trudged toward my locker, hoping for a glimmer of normalcy amidst the turmoil.

As I opened my locker, a small slip of paper fluttered out, landing softly in my palm. Curiosity piqued, I unfolded it to reveal a message scrawled hastily:

"Meet me in the old classroom on the second floor. 


My heart sank at the sight of her name. Why would Uraraka want to meet now, of all times? Doubt gnawed at me, urging me to ignore the summons, but before I could contemplate further, Mina appeared beside me, her presence a welcome distraction from my conflicted thoughts. She greeted me with a warm smile, her eyes curious as they flickered over the note clutched in my hand.

Without a word, she reached out, plucking the letter from my grasp.

Bakugo's POV:

It was strange that Pinky vanished during lunch and then reappeared out of nowhere. I shrugged it off and focused on opening my locker. Just as I did, a small note fluttered out and landed on the floor. I snatched it up, scanning the message scrawled across it:

"Meet me in the old classroom on the second floor.


"Deku!" I bellowed, annoyed. "Tell your girlfriend to quit leaving notes in my locker." I was about to hand it over to him when Pinky swooped in and snatched it from my grip. I rolled my eyes at her antics, waiting for an explanation.

"So, why does she want me to meet her?" I demanded, turning my attention to Pinky.

"I don't—" she began, but then her expression shifted like she'd just realized something important. Before I could press her further, she darted off, shouting over her shoulder, "JUST DO WHAT THE NOTE SAID, I'LL BE BACK!"

I sighed in exasperation and turned back to my locker, feeling the weight of the day settling in. "Wait, Kacchan, aren't you going?" Deku asked, catching my attention.

"It would make sense if you went first, nerd. She's your girlfriend after all," I muttered rudely, watching him leave. With another heavy sigh, I closed my locker, resigning myself to the fact that this day was about to get a whole lot longer.

Mina's POV: 

My heart pounded as I made the connection, the pieces of the puzzle slotting into place with startling clarity. Without hesitation, I bolted down the hallway, my footsteps echoing off the walls as I raced towards Aizawa-sensei's room. Bursting through the door, I found him seated at his desk, his gaze lifting to meet mine as I entered.

"SENSEI!" I cried out, my voice urgent as I tried to catch my breath. Aizawa-sensei regarded me with a mixture of surprise and concern. "What is it, Mina?" he asked, his tone brimming with curiosity.

"Uraraka! She put notes in both Izuku and Bakugo's locker!" I blurted out, my words rushed with urgency. Aizawa-sensei's brow furrowed in confusion as he processed my revelation. "How is that helpful exactly?" he inquired, his expression skeptical.

"Remember when the recording said 'make sure Bakugo sees it'?" I pressed, my mind racing with the implications of her actions. Aizawa-sensei's eyes widened in realization as the pieces fell into place. "Yeah, why?" he responded, his voice tinged with concern.

"Well, she's planning something, and it's not going to be good," I explained, placing the notes on his desk as evidence of her scheme. Aizawa-sensei's demeanor shifted, his features hardening with determination.

"Old room on the second floor?" he repeated, his voice grave as he grasped the severity of the situation. We shared a silent understanding, knowing that we had to act swiftly to thwart Uraraka's plans.

But before we could finalize our strategy, the school was rocked by a sudden explosion, the force of it shaking the very foundation beneath our feet. Adrenaline surged through me as we exchanged a quick glance, our resolve solidified in the face of imminent danger.

"We need to go now!" I exclaimed, urgency driving every fiber of my being as we hurried to confront the looming threat.


If you don't know thwart means to oppose successfully or to defeat the hopes or aspirations.

So, with everything going on, what are your predictions for what happens next?

Word Count: 700

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