Chapter 29: Lost Connections

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Deku's POV: 

I stood there, frozen. Kacchan had just broken up with me, and I didn't know how to feel. One moment, we were in love, and the next, he ends things. I slowly walked out of the locker room, making my way back to the training field. The Baku squad ran up to me, and Mina said, "Izuku, do you know why Bakubabe was crying when he ran out of the locker room?" She sounded really worried for Kacchan. I hated the fact that she still called him Bakubabe, but what could I do about it? He broke up with me, so I had no right to tell her not to call him that.

I lowered my gaze and walked past them, heading to the back where no one could see me. I felt like crying. I really loved Kacchan, and he just broke up with me for something I didn't even do. All I know is that Uraraka has something to do with this. I... just don't know how. But I promise to find out, whether it means Kacchan hating me forever or me risking my chances of being a hero by accusing Uraraka.

Narrator's POV:

At lunch, Deku sat alone at the table where he and Bakugou used to sit together, back when things were different. It felt empty, as if his world had been turned upside down. He didn't feel like his usual self, the smiling and cheerful Deku that everyone knew. Instead, his face was adorned with a dull expression, mirroring the sadness that filled his heart.

He picked at his food, lacking any appetite. Normally, Bakugou would make him his favorite lunch, but now the blonde wouldn't even talk to him, let alone prepare a meal for him. Letting out a sigh of resignation, Deku got up, grabbed his bag, and unceremoniously dumped his untouched food in the trash. With a heavy heart, he made his way out of the cafeteria, his gaze fixed on the ground. He didn't bother looking at anything or anyone, lost in the depths of his own thoughts.

Slowly, he navigated his way to his next class, accompanied by Present Mic. As he entered the classroom, it was evident that Deku was the first one there. Present Mic was likely in the teacher's lounge, leaving Deku alone with his thoughts. He took his seat at his desk and rested his head upon it, feeling the weight of the day pressing down upon him.

The desire to continue the day was almost non-existent, but Deku knew he had no choice. He couldn't let his personal turmoil overshadow his responsibilities as a student and aspiring hero. Closing his eyes, he replayed the painful events of that morning, each memory a dagger to his wounded heart.

Silent and introspective, Deku remained in that position until the sound of approaching footsteps broke his concentration. He didn't raise his head immediately, still lost in his thoughts. But then, he heard a voice call out his name, softly but with a hint of concern. "Izuku..."


Word Count:504

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