Chapter 27: Dark Revelations

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Deku's POV:

Black. That's all I see after Kacchan left. Ochaco said something, her voice fading into the darkness. I sat there, stunned and alone, enveloped in silence. But then, something unexpected happened. A soft glow emanated from the corner of the room, catching my attention.

Curiosity piqued, I stood up and cautiously made my way towards the source of the glow. It was an orb, hovering in mid-air, radiating a gentle light. Mesmerized, I couldn't help but gaze into it, drawn into its mysterious depths.

Suddenly, I saw a figure approaching. It was Kacchan! My heart leaped with joy, and I couldn't contain my excitement. "Kacchan!" I called out, hoping he would hear me. But to my dismay, he seemed oblivious to my presence. He walked into the room, his eyes focused on something else entirely. I desperately tried to get his attention, but my voice fell on deaf ears.

Confusion and frustration washed over me as I continued to watch through the glowing orb. My eyes widened in disbelief when I saw Uraraka appear in the scene. She seemed to materialize out of nowhere, sitting on top How was that possible? I was right here!

Baffled, I kept my eyes fixed on the unfolding events. Kacchan, seemingly in a hurry, grabbed his phone and hastily dashed out of the room, leaving the door wide open. I called out to him, my voice filled with desperation, but he remained oblivious. It was as if I had become a ghost, incapable of reaching out to him.

My attention shifted back to Uraraka, who calmly closed the door and locked it, sealing us inside. A mixture of confusion and annoyance swirled within me. "So rude," she muttered, settling herself back down in what I assumed was my lap. The situation was becoming increasingly surreal, and I couldn't comprehend what was happening. "Where... where are we?" she asked, as if nothing strange had occurred.

(So I'm not going to blind you all by giving details but all I can say is they made out and cuddled.)

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I woke up, my eyes darting around the room in disbelief. The oppressive darkness had dissipated, and everything was back to normal. A surge of relief coursed through me, and I silently celebrated this return to familiarity. However, my moment of triumph was abruptly interrupted as I sensed someone shifting closer beside me. I turned my head to find Uraraka stirring from her sleep.

"What is it, Deku?" she mumbled, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. I quickly moved my arm and got up from the bed, my frustration mounting.

"First off, don't call me that," I snapped, my irritation seeping into my voice. "And second, why on earth are you in my bed?! And why did Kacchan ignore me when I called for him?!"

Uraraka rolled her eyes, dismissing my concerns with a casual remark. "Kacchan this, Kacchan that," she muttered. "Why do you always talk about him? He's not even that good-looking. But me, on the other hand, would never treat you badly." She hugged my waist, attempting to pull me closer.

I recoiled instinctively, pushing her away, causing her to stumble and fall to the floor. "Ow, Deku! What the heck was that for?" she exclaimed, her confusion evident.

"Don't call me that," I repeated firmly, my frustration boiling over. "And why are you wearing my shirt?!" I asked, my voice tinged with exasperation.

"You said I could last night," she replied, hugging herself.

"Last night... LAST NIGHT!" I erupted, the weight of realization crashing down upon me. Without another word, I dashed out of the room, a singular purpose driving me forward. "I have to talk to Kacchan about this," I muttered to myself, sprinting towards his dormitory.

Arriving at his door, I knocked urgently, hoping for a response, but there was no answer. I knocked again, growing more desperate for a sign of acknowledgement, but still, silence prevailed. I knocked once more, and finally, the door creaked open, revealing a disheveled and puffy-eyed Kacchan. Acting on sheer instinct, I lifted his face, concern etched upon my features.

"Why are you crying?" I asked, my voice laced with worry. Kacchan gently moved my hands away, his expression filled with pain.

"Just get back to your girlfriend," he said bitterly, closing the door abruptly, shutting me out.

Refusing to accept his rejection, I swiftly blocked the door with my foot, determination in my eyes. "Kacchan, at least talk to me," I pleaded, my voice trembling with desperation.

"No, now leave," he retorted, using his foot to push mine away as he firmly closed the door. With a heavy sigh, I stood there, defeated, realizing the gravity of the situation. As I walked back to my room, my mind raced, desperately searching for a way to mend the shattered pieces of this tangled mess. Deep down, I knew that today was going to be an arduous day, filled with uncertainty and heartache's.


Word Count:846

Hey guys this is a very special shout out to: @gumball107!

Please make sure to vote <3

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