Chapter 45: Caught in the Chaos

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Mina's POV:

Me and Aizawa sensei rushed to the source of the explosion, the urgency of the situation propelling us forward through the chaotic hallways. Students scattered around us, their bewildered expressions mirroring each other's confusion. We raced upstairs, the dread pooling in my stomach as I prayed we weren't too late.

Bursting through the door, we were met with a scene straight out of a nightmare. Bakugo, restrained by two imposing figures, glared daggers at his captors, his frustration palpable even from across the room. My heart sank as I spotted Deku, bound to a chair, unconscious and defenseless.

The gravity of the situation hit me like a ton of bricks. We had stumbled upon a dangerous confrontation, and no one seemed to notice our arrival. With a silent exchange, Aizawa sensei and I understood the need for swift action. I lunged forward, delivering a swift blow that sent one of Bakugo's captors crashing to the ground.

Aizawa sensei moved with lightning speed, closing in on the remaining assailant. But before he could neutralize the threat, the man seized Bakugo by the hair, a gun pressed against his temple. My blood ran cold as he issued a chilling ultimatum, his words dripping with malice.

The situation was dire, and any misstep could spell disaster. We were at a standstill, powerless to intervene without risking Bakugo's life. As Deku stirred from his unconscious state, hope flickered within me. Perhaps with his help, we could turn the tide in our favor.

But our hopes were dashed as Uraraka emerged from a portal, her presence a chilling reminder of the danger we faced. Her saccharine smile sent shivers down my spine, a stark contrast to the chaos unfolding around us.

"Deku, you have to help Bakugo!" I implored, desperation creeping into my voice. But Deku remained impassive, his gaze fixed on the ground, his silence deafening.

"Sorry, Mina, but he's mine now," Uraraka declared, her voice laced with possessiveness. I recoiled at the sight of Deku, his eyes glazed over with a sickening pink hue, a clear indication of the drug's influence.

Amidst the chaos, Aizawa sensei seized an opportunity to incapacitate Bakugo's captor, his skillful maneuvering catching the assailant off guard. With a flick of his scarf, he immobilized the man, leaving Bakugo free to retaliate.

But before Bakugo could unleash his fury, Uraraka diverted his attention, leaning in to kiss Deku with a sickening display of dominance. My stomach churned at the sight, bile rising in my throat as I watched the intern make-out session unfold before me.

Bakugo's restraint was nothing short of miraculous as he watched, his jaw clenched tight with suppressed rage. Every fiber of his being screamed for action, yet he remained frozen in place, his eyes burning with a fierce determination.

Before the tension could escalate further, a deafening gunshot rang through the air, shattering the fragile peace.


@gumball107, I hope this is what you were looking for. Just wanted to make sure it fits the story and meets your expectations.

Word Count:494

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