Chapter 4: His Breaking Point

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Deku's POV:

As we approached the center of the circle, a sense of fear hung in the air. The murmurs and whispers of the crowd grew louder, and my heart pounded in my chest. What could possibly be happening here?

And there, in the center of it all, awaited a sight that left us speechless. Kacchan, my childhood friend and now boyfriend, was mercilessly beating up another student from UA. It was a shocking sight, one that I never thought I would witness. The Bakusquad, in their desperation, tried to pull him away, their voices filled with worry and concern.

"Bakubabe, get off of him! You'll get in trouble!" Mina's voice rang out, laced with genuine concern. Kirishima and Sero struggled to restrain Kacchan, their efforts seeming to fail. Amongst the chaos, Denki's voice was heard, cheering Kacchan on without realizing the severity of the situation.

"Beat his ass, Bakubro!" Denki exclaimed, his words fueling Kacchan's fury. Sero, only yelled, "Denki, you're not helping! This isn't the time for cheering!"

"Well, it's his fault for messing with Bakubro," Denki defended himself, still egging Kacchan on. The Bakusquad's efforts to separate the two combatants seemed to fail, as Kacchan's punches landed with brutal force. The unfortunate student bore the brunt of Kacchan's immense strength, blood staining his clothes, face, and the floor beneath him.

I couldn't help but wonder what could have provoked Kacchan to attack with such force. It must have been something grave, something that pushed him beyond his limits.

"Midoriya, can you come help us!" Kirishima's pleaded snapped me out of my thoughts, and I quickly rushed to their aid. With all my strength, I managed to pry Kacchan away from the beaten student, hoping to defuse the situation.

"Put me down, Deku! This extra wanted a fight, and I'm giving him one!" Kacchan's voice boomed with anger and determination.

I sighed, my voice tinged with exasperation. "Kacchan, even if he did say that, you're not giving him much of a chance."

Just as the tension escalated, Sensei Aizawa's voice cut through the chaos. "What's going on here?" His presence demanded attention and respect.

"This extra wanted a fight, and now I'm giving him one!" Kacchan yelled, his anger still dangerously high. Aizawa sighed, clearly irritated by the situation. "Both of you, problem children, to my office now."

Confusion filled my mind as I questioned my own involvement. "But what did I do?" I pleaded for clarification.

"It doesn't matter," Aizawa curtly replied. "Office. Now."

I sighed, resigning myself to yet another lecture. I began to walk, still carrying Kacchan, who was now slightly calmer but still seething with anger.

"Put me down before I blow you to the sun," Kacchan grumbled, his threat laced with irritation.

Realizing my mistake, I quickly put him down. "Oh, right. Sorry, Kacchan," I muttered, my voice filled with remorse. Together, we followed Aizawa, mentally preparing ourselves for the consequences of our actions.


Word Count:476

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Conflicted Hearts: A Hero's Battle for LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz