Chapter 17: Bathing in Desire

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Bakugo's POV:

Between the intensity of our kisses, I couldn't help but feel a surge of embarrassment creep up within me. With a whisper against Deku's lips, I couldn't hold back the question any longer. "Are you really going to make me scream your name?" My voice carried a mix of curiosity and self-consciousness.

Deku grabbed my chin gently, forcing me to meet his gaze once again. There was a mischievous smirk playing on his lips as he responded, "No, I just wanted you to tell me what was wrong. Why did you want me to?" His eyes held a glimmer of amusement as he teased me.

My face flushed with embarrassment, and I instinctively pushed him away, trying to regain some composure. "N-No, why the fuck would you think that?!" I snapped, frustration lacing my words. My cheeks burned with the heat of my embarrassment as Deku chuckled at my reaction. I simply flipped him off, my way of expressing annoyance.

"What now?" he asked, strolling over to my bed and casually sitting down. I scowled at him, feeling the need to assert my independence. "I don't fucking know, but I'm taking a bath," I declared, my tone defiant.

To my surprise, Deku responded with a request that made my face heat up even more. "Can I join?" he asked, a teasing tone in his voice. My blush deepened, and I grabbed the nearest towel, hurling it at him. "No fucking way, dumb nerd!" I yelled, trying to maintain some semblance of control.

But Deku, being Deku, didn't back down. He effortlessly used his Black Whip quirk to pull me towards him, completely disregarding my protests. "Now, let's go take a bath," he declared, carrying me towards the bathroom.

Frustration surged within me, and I couldn't help but raise my voice again. "Did you not hear a word I said?! I said no, dumb nerd!" I yelled, my resistance futile. However, it was too late, he had already removed his clothes and was beginning to undress me as well. Panic washed over me, and I managed to gather my thoughts enough to yell, "Stop!"

Deku froze in his actions, his hands suspended in mid-air as he glanced up at me. I quickly averted my gaze, feeling a mix of embarrassment and vulnerability. "I'll do that," I muttered, determined to regain some control over the situation. He simply shrugged, seemingly unfazed, and proceeded to turn on the water, the sound filling the room.

Narrator's POV:

As the tub finished filling up, Bakugo remained in his boxers while Deku switched off the water. Deku glanced at Bakugo and then down at his boxers, breaking the silence with a question. "Are you going to take that off?" he asked, settling himself at the edge of the tub.

Bakugo's mind snapped back to the present, his face instantly heating up as he realized where his gaze had unconsciously wandered. "S-Shut up nerd!" he stammered, attempting to brush off the awkward moment and act like nothing had happened.

Deku simply shrugged, his expression unfazed, and climbed into the now-filled tub. Bakugo's blush deepened as he quickly removed his boxers and joined Deku, settling himself between Deku's legs. Deku rested his chin on top of Bakugo's head, a gentle sigh escaping his lips. "The next time you're pissed with me, just tell me," he murmured softly.

With a dismissive roll of his eyes, Bakugo replied, "Sure, whatever." As he glanced up at Deku, a surge of emotion overtook him, and he leaned in, capturing Deku's lips in a passionate kiss. Deku was momentarily shocked but quickly responded, deepening the kiss. As their tongues intertwined, the intensity between them grew, their desires freely expressed in the heat of the moment.

After a few minutes, they reluctantly parted, their lips swollen and breaths ragged. They climbed out of the tub, drying themselves off, and made their way to bed. Cuddled closely together, they melted into each other's embrace, finding solace and comfort in the intimate connection they shared.

In the quiet of the night, their bodies entwined, they drifted off to sleep, knowing that their bond would continue to grow stronger with each passing day...Or would it?


Word count:686

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